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Judy Smith

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Re: What Are You Grateful For
3/27/2007 7:19:56 PM

Hi Terry,

I also posted this once and will do it again because obviously Adland went down - that's what Joe says, so I know it's true.

I am sometimes amazed at the way a little gratitude can turn a gray day into a perfectly pink one. 

I could repeat all of Joe's list - but won't.  I will repeat that I am extremely grateful that no one was hurt in the accident yesterday and that you made it home safely.

I am grateful every day that I am still on the right side of the grass and quite healthy.  I am grateful for my faith in the Lord that is strong and for all the friends I have who are grateful for the same thing.

I am grateful for you, Joe, Kathleen, Nick, Pauline, John S, Jill and I could just go on and one. 

And, Lord, I will be eternally grateful when you finally answer my prayer for 48 hour days.





Terry Gorley

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Re: What Are You Grateful For
3/30/2007 3:36:10 PM

Hello Friends & Visitors,

Its been an especially magical week!

I have so much to be grateful for:   

The joy of new pets ... not mine ... my Grandmother's ... I'm sure the black cat will make her young again! 

A multitude of little things!

My husband who is always loving and supportive despite his not understanding why I'm still working here.  One day he'll understand!

My Friends & new Partners, you are awesome!

Thank you all for the wonderful magic that's been happening this week. 



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Jeff Grant

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Re: What Are You Grateful For
4/3/2007 3:05:30 PM
Terry, sorry I'm so long responding. I wasn't in the proper state of mind too when it first came up. now I'm better. I'm grateful mostly that despite knowing how I would fail JESUS still climbed willingly on the cross to die for me! I'm grateful he gives me a roof over my head not the greatest but I stay warm & cool & dry. it's no mansion but it's mine. I'm grateful to have a church home that worships GOD in all ways to the fullest. I'm grateful GOD uses me in a place of ministry in my home church in the audio/visual department. I'm greateful for my beautiful children. something at age 35 I didn't think I would ever have. I'm grateful HE has so chosen to keep me in this place for whatever HIS purpose is. thanks jeff
jeff grant home of the BEST PAY PLAN IN MARKETING Making JESUS Famous
Terry Gorley

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Re: What Are You Grateful For
4/3/2007 5:13:57 PM

Hello Jeff,

I'm grateful that you are better and came to post what you are grateful for. 

Without Gratitude we really have nothing because without Gratitude we wouldn't be able to see what we do have, so there would be no appreciation.

Your home is your castle.  Doesn't matter if its big or small ... cabin or mansion ... its yours!

All children are beautiful, wonderful gifts.   Sometimes I believe having them later in life gives a greater sense of appreciation for them.  Maybe that's why grandkids are just a little more spoiled!  

I know, I'm grateful for our daughter, grandkids and great granddaughter.




I am forever grateful to you for enriching my life



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Judy Smith

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Re: What Are You Grateful For
4/3/2007 8:07:58 PM

Hi Terry,

I am so happy to see you back in here.  I am grateful for your support and your friendship and your partnership.  I am now a Cookin Fun member and since cooking is one of my favorite things to do I am thrilled.  So now my favorite things are bird watching, gardening, cooking and drinking great water.

And Jeff, I echo everything Terry said and add only that we are all children of the Almighty God.  I admire your faith and am so happy you are feeling better.

I love this graphic - I'm using it again!

God Bless,


