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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: What Are You Grateful For
11/30/2007 6:52:45 PM

Hi Terry,

I'm grateful that my boys are well behaved.  They didn't cut class or smoke, and thankfully neither of them have had a serious girlfriend yet!  I had 2 older stepsons and one of them was a real h*llraiser, and so were both of my brothers, so I know how boys can get.  One good thing about video games, the kids are either here or at their friends house in front of the tube, at least I know that!  Back in the days before home video games, my brothers were always out smoking, drinking, cruising around in cars, I know teenagers still do that but maybe it has lessened somewhat now with the game addiction, maybe!

I'm grateful my dentist doesn't lecture me, she probably knows I'd go to a different dentist if she did that! 

I'm grateful my husband has a sense of humor, I'm also glad I have a sense of humor, we need it!!

I'm glad for my cat, I have 2 but one of them is my best friend.  Sometimes she gets on my nerves by always wanting to sit on my lap, but when she doesn't, I notice her absence.  I got the cat 4 years ago during a difficult time in my life when I felt empty and was tired of my house being empty all day.  Now I feel like she helps me make decisions, that sounds weird but all I need to do is "ask the cat" and even though she doesn't say anything, I know she would properly advise me in life decisions if she could.  I know it's just my common sense but sometimes I don't listen to myself so I'd rather take advice from a cat.  I may not always listen to her if I ever do make big wrong decisions it's because I didn't follow the cat's advice.

Joe Downing

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Re: What Are You Grateful For
12/23/2007 7:43:07 AM

and the gratefuls!

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