Hello Monica,
Welcome to the "What Are You Grateful For" forum!
You have an awesome list that I can relate to.
Miracles and blessings ... there are so many I have to be grateful for.
I don't always put my Family, but they are always first and foremost. I also have friends outside of ALP to whom I am grateful, but mostly I write about my gratefulness for my friends here.
Good health is always a priority too. I believe too often we don't show our appreciation for good health until it is gone.
I love that "I can afford everything I need and most of what I want." That's an awesome statement and I believe its true for many of us if we take a moment to really consider what we have.
Your website business ... without our website businesses we may be missing out on all the good times here!
Definitely, modern technologies and appliances! With your busy life, I agree that your dishwasher isn't a luxury!

I am forever grateful to you for enriching my life