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Judy Smith

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Re: What Are You Grateful For
8/6/2007 2:33:15 PM

Well, well well, the awesome threesome!!!

I am so blessed and grateful that you are back Terry  - and now here is Joe as well!!!

What more could a person ask for!!

Blessings, my friends!


Re: What Are You Grateful For
8/11/2007 10:16:21 AM
I am grateful for the love of my wife

I am grateful for the love of my kids

I am grateful for the love of my grandkids

And  I am grateful for the love of my God
for showing me his love by giving me the opp to know
and love and be loved by these great  people.

Valerie Clavin

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Re: What Are You Grateful For
8/13/2007 11:19:50 AM

Hi Terry, Judys, and Gentlemen

  I'm grateful for everything I have and do not have. I'm grateful knowing that no matter how bad I think things are, I also know there is someone who would give anything to trade places with me .


Valerie Clavin

Judy Smith

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Re: What Are You Grateful For
8/13/2007 11:56:22 AM

You are so right, Valerie,

There is always someone worse off than we are!!

I am grateful the rain we still didn't get, but I just know is coming soon!!

I am grateful for all of my friends here at Adland for all of the insight they give me on a daily basis, and that just makes me more grateful!

Blessings, all!


Terry Gorley

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Re: What Are You Grateful For
8/13/2007 12:58:37 PM

Hello Joe,

I am grateful you have come again for a visit

I am grateful for your statement, "There will always be more reasons to be grateful" 

I am grateful to you for your friendship & partnership

I am forever grateful to you for enriching my life




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