Hello to my two favorite Judy's who post their gratefulness!
Judy M this is wonderful. Family is so special and indeed a grandchild can a make a person feel like they are absolutely the most special creature in the world!
You husband sounds like a wise man and similar in many ways to mine. We are fortunate to have found loving and caring men to enrich our lives. For that I am forever grateful
Judy S, I believe yours to be the same as ours and I know how precious your children and grandchildren are to you too.
Ladies we have much to be grateful for and I am grateful to the two of you for visiting and sharing what you are grateful for.
Judy M, regarding MPM ... it isn't an opportunity to get rich quick. Our Team is growing steadily everyday and as it grows the income will follow.
I am grateful MPM isn't a get rich quick scheme ... if it were it wouldn't be worth joining! A true opportunity takes time, effort and patience.
I am forever grateful to you for enriching my life
