Hi Kathleen,
I enjoy working at home because I cannot drive at this time. In fact I have not driven a car for three years. I really miss it, I started to drive when I was 19 years old. I was very ill for about three years now. I went to someone who was dealing with holistic health and I trusted him that he knew what he was doing, but I found out he did'nt. I got sicker and sicker. He also detoxed my liver too fast and I started to experience nervous symptoms of tingling, difficulty maintaining balance, being very tired and sleeply.
I found out through a liver test that I had a shortage of Glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that is produced in the liver. I had to get shots every week for two years. I am now taking a powder at home that I mix with milk. I have improved trememdouly over the past three years. I am also taking PH drops that I put in my water to increase my Ph in my body fluids. That has been really helping me. My body had an overload of toxins that were not being eliminated which was causing me to have all these symptoms. Hopefully, soon I will be driving again. I also like working at home because I am my own boss, and I have my own time and hours. I can come and go as I please.