
John Crawford

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Re: What are YOUR Reasons for WORKING AT HOME?
3/24/2007 3:39:41 PM
I work at home AS well as work full time running a business. Why? Because I would like to reitre some day. hearing loss is a very common problem, but they have made so many advances with hearing aids in the past several eyars that most are hardly visible. One the other hand, i guess one is better off NOT having to hear SOME things or SOME people! LOL! John A ONE TIME FEE of $37 allows you sell great e-products and keep ALL of the profit. Unlimited money generator with LOTS of FREE goodies! My site for health information and other issues vital to the baby boomer. Watch the Video and Be Amazed! The ONE Program You NEED to Join!
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Re: What are YOUR Reasons for WORKING AT HOME?
3/24/2007 3:50:07 PM

Hi Kathleen

You are one amaxing lady and I have the upmost respect for you. You are living yours dreams and I wish you the very best. My reason is because when my husband was diagnosed with cancer, our world dropped. I am so grateful he is coming along good. Now that he cannot work and we had to sell off everthing we owned to be able to finance his treatments, we now have to try and build a retirement income. Because we were both self emplyed we don't have the sam flexibility as being emplyed with companies. We are trying and hope one day to say we have succeeded like you have. Keep up the good work , we both are rooting for you.

Your Canadian friends

Lauraine and Bill Collier

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John Rivera

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Re: What are YOUR Reasons for WORKING AT HOME?
3/24/2007 6:29:26 PM


Kathleeeeeen, join the club. I've got a condition that gives me a high decibal hearing loss which seems to be getting worse yearly. But have to live with this one... got it from exposure to very high noises... if you know what I mean in the military.  And BJ... I had an injury in 03 that gave me 2 buldging discs or also called herniated discs. I was very hesitant in getting an operation also. I went through therapy, shots, medicines, etc and it all helped very little. Well, I just got done going through a posterior double disc fusion back operation.  I had the 2 discs removed, had bone taken from my upper right hip and then had my 2 discs fused (L4- L5 and L5- S1)  I also had 6 screws installed along with bars and pins to hold the vertebra together so the the fusion will stay in place. Not a very happy camper now. Now I've developed Sciatica (spelling), which is a very painful pain in the you know what - right leg and foot. Now taking narcotic meds for that. I have a post op appointment on Tue to see what they can do to help with the Sciatica on my right side. Not saying all of this to scare you, sometimes you just have to take chances to try to get better. My back feels much better and from all that I have read, the Sciatica will eventually go away on its own. I pray so !!!

Anyway back to the subject:  I will never have to work another day in my life. (BY that I mean having a J.O.B. outside of the home) I have been doing MLM for about 10 years now and one of the main reasons that I decided to get out of Electrical Engeering (working on satellite and Missile systems) was because of my kids. YOU see I am a single dad and they are my WHY in my life. I have been able to become successful in what I do. I don't hound my friends much and try to keep myself a bit low level. Most of my business involves working on the Internet. I've been down and out at times but have learned to cope with dissappointments, discouragements, negative people, etc from the years on the net.  So my hats go off to all who are doing this from home and trying to keep busy and become successful. Remember, all it takes is a Good deal of DESIRE and Motivation and you will make it.


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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: What are YOUR Reasons for WORKING AT HOME?
3/24/2007 7:23:37 PM

Hi John,

Thanks for posting!  I'll get a hearing aid after my father gets one, I think that will be never.  Grandpa refuses to get old or look old!  We both use the "RCA Dog head-turn" method, if we lean left and can't hear you, then we try leaning right, then we say "write it down!"

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: What are YOUR Reasons for WORKING AT HOME?
3/24/2007 7:37:56 PM

Hi Lauraine,

I'm glad your husband is doing better, lots of people have had bouts with cancer here or have a spouse who has had it.  Most of our money is going toward fixing up our house, it's very old and needs lots of work but I love this house.  Financial success isn't long-lasting because we spend most of it on necessities like plumbing and the roof, etc.  But this is better than what we had when we first got married. 

I'm glad to have good friends here at Adland, everyone works hard and the people here are very good to each other for the most part.  Thanks for your encouragement and for sharing part of your life with us!

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