What are your reasons for working at home? I'll tell you part of my reasons, hearing loss that's getting more lost every year. Within the past 2 years I had 2 very good telemarketing jobs, I lost both of them, one because I wasn't hearing the customers on the phone properly, the second because my boss was constantly walking around while giving orders, he would walk very far away and speaking behind me, I couldn't hear what he was saying.
Another reason, I can't hear if an ambulance is behind me while I'm driving, I didn't drive much before and very rarely now. I've lost my ability to hear high-pitched sounds, birds chirping, some female voices and some low-speaking male voices. Hearing loss comes from both sides of my family, sometimes it's hereditary, sometimes it's not. It can affect some members of the family and not others, it can be immediate such as with my son and my neice, it can be later in life such as I'm going through now and my brothers also in recent years.
I'd like to feature last year's 3rd place contestant from American Idol, Elliot Yamin, he had numerous ear surgeries including an eardrum graft which did not help his hearing. My son also had numerous surgeries, an eardrum graft was suggested but later the doctor said it wasn't necessary and may not help. My neice and my father also had ear surgeries, hearing loss is still a part of their lives but it doesn't cut down on their living.
Elliot Yamin can only hear in one ear, he can probably hear himself less then the audience hears him...listen to this spectacular performance:
Elliot Yamin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliot_Yamin
"Wait For You" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeFd9lgoYkk
If you'd like to learn American Sign Language, here are 2 DVD's I highly recommend from
Webster's Millenium, available at Barnes & Noble:
"Getting Started In Signing" and "Say It By Signing"
You can watch and rewatch these while learning at your own pace, you may also want to get a book to study the sign alphabet.
The DVD's show people signing while talking, then without talking, slowly, then quickly. They do all the signs for relatives, rooms of your home, sports, ordering in a restaurant, signs for different jobs, going shopping, clothing, etc. Peoples' rate of learning is usually in balance with the urgency to learn.