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Re: If you had a horse with no name, what would you call it?
3/12/2007 1:33:45 PM

Hi Len,

I'm sure you've been up to Mackinac Island...the last time my family went up there, I saw a beautiful horse and I spent several minutes talking to it and petting it.  There are lots of horses up there, of course, but that one was taking a break and so I just HAD to meet him!

For all of you who haven't been there, Mackinac Island is up there between the lower and upper peninsulas of Michigan, you need to take a ferry boat cars allowed!  The island is full of horses, tourists, fudge shops, bikes, great scenery, huge houses and historical sights!

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Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: If you had a horse with no name, what would you call it?
3/12/2007 1:37:23 PM

Hi Tom,

I like the way the California cities just roll off your tongue...Burbank!  That's where lots of TV studios are!  I heard San Diego is a really nice place. 

Dandylion is a great name for a horse.  Have you been thru the desert, city boy with no name? 

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Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: If you had a horse with no name, what would you call it?
3/12/2007 1:39:20 PM

Hi Bea,

I like the name Jimmy, that was the name of a boy I had a huge crush on in 7th grade, then he moved away!  Oh well, he didn't like me as much as I liked him.

I have a collection of pig figurines and other pig items.  Yes I agree, horses are too big for house pets.  Maybe you could get a miniature pony if you have a large backyard!

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Flag of Marion Kelly

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Re: If you had a horse with no name, what would you call it?
3/12/2007 2:07:28 PM
Hello Kathleen, I would love to own a horse. I always rent horse movies. I would name the horse Thunder. Marion Get lifted
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Flag of Gail Dennis

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Re: If you had a horse with no name, what would you call it?
3/12/2007 2:26:16 PM

I guess it would depend on the breed of horse.



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