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The Drummerboy

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Why? How's that goin for ya?
3/6/2007 11:46:50 AM
One simple question...........


What was it that attracted you to the business you are currently promoting?

And also......................

How's that goin for ya?

~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!

Noname Noname

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Re: Why? How's that goin for ya?
3/6/2007 12:02:58 PM

Was struck me about my business is that there are 60 million people in direct marketing, network marketing, or multi-level marketing. Therefore I found this to be a very lucrative target market because these people already have bought into the idea of these business models. These are people ready opt in free to my service.

The secret is that 99% of these people have no idea how to market their business. They trial and error strategies and 99% of them give up or fail due to lack of capital or earnings.

This is what attracted me to my business.

Once again, great post Brian!




Re: Why? How's that goin for ya?
3/6/2007 12:33:25 PM

I chose because it makes sense to market a tool that allows you to brand yourself. I sold one, then that sale was canceled (I'm not sure why). However, the fact that someone was interested and netted me a nearly $50 commission was exciting.

I blame myself and my inexperience for the lack of success (cash earned regularly). Without proper focus and priorites, I cannot hope to succeed. Having recently developed the focus I need, I will achieve my goals.

It's also hard to invest even the smallest amount when you're broke. Thank God that is changing.

Linda Christian



Re: Why? How's that goin for ya?
3/6/2007 1:45:45 PM

I chose the business I have for several reasons. The company has a 21 year track record of steady growth, so I knew they would be around a long time. Their focus is on helping people improve their lives and I love that. They also help create a healthier environment and I love that too. I didn't want to sell anything or just click away on a computer all day, I wanted to help real people in a real business. The compensation plan can't be matched, but the business is easily duplicated. There was no risk involved for trying it, so I knew I couldn't get hurt as I had in other businesses. For me that was very important as I didn't have money to lose. With this business I didn't need to spend extra money every month and my start up was not only very low, but it's guaranteed for 120 days if I change my mind.

To me this business just made so much sense that I couldn't turn it down and I'm so glad I didn't. It's going very well!

Thomas Richmond

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Re: Why? How's that goin for ya?
3/6/2007 2:13:51 PM

Ok Brian, i like the next guy just as much as you do but to bring him in here? I must admit the Doc is pretty intelegent with what he speaks of in his profession but as a marketeer? hmmm. Funny gut too. What attracted me to my business , as a founding member of OJEEZ a web-based community of fellow marketeers opening up here soon, i have fellow church members who i work with in this project, so to answer your question it would have to be for the brotherhood. Its working out just as planned for us. Hoping to recieve a great response by June! Thinking bout the future- to young to pretend- words by a famious rock group. Free to sign up- more of who we are on my page,

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