Hi again,
I'm glad to know there are others out there like me. To make it short.
I teach all types of stitches... Peyote, circular peyote, spiral, double spiral, Russian Spiral, Russian snake stitch, eyc...etc..etc...
I've made a few pieces of Dichroic glass and beaded around them. I love Art Clay silver & gold (another form of PMC) I also like making my own beads from FIMO and Makins ( U don' need to bake it)
My current project for tonight and tomorrow is to finish my circular peyote necklace. It'll look like a snakeskin when I finish, and I'm creating my bail for the pendant from peyote stitch..
I hope to find a good site soon..I'm also considering an EBay store.. I have so many pieces I really need to clean it out a little!
I'm going to an artist retreat later this summer for my certification in Silver/Gold Clay, wire creations, and possibly enameling. I can't wait.