
Who is Bette Luksha-Gammell?

Bette Luksha-Gammell

Bette Luksha-Gammell
Member SinceThursday, November 6, 2003
Last ActivityMonday, July 28, 2008
LocationNorth Port, Florida, United States United States
About Me
About Me

I am a 3 time transplant recipient who designs jewelry to earn a little extra income. This helps afford all the medicines I have to take. I am very positive and outgoing and truly love life. 

I have set up medication assistance programs in different counties to help others, as well as from home.

My main desire is having my website to sell my designs and my copyrighted patterns.

I would love to be friends with any and all of you, however I prefer to not receive email messages geared toward new business ventures that would require me to email others. My health requires more of my time than I currently have for this type of venture. Please notify me of how you are doing, I would love to hear from you. If there is a opportunity that I feel others would enjoy I will forward your information to them.

My Interests
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Masud Selim - (10/5/2006 10:27:37 AM) :
Hello Ms. Bette

I need your logistic assistance for website
furnish .

Could i invite you as a Adlandpro/s friend

mail me
Bette Luksha-Gammell - (10/5/2006 10:27:37 AM) : What do you mean by logistic assistance?
I'm in the US if that helps.
Richard Russell - (12/15/2005 4:16:00 PM) : Hello

I see you are interested in Health

I am in the business of Saving Lives!

Major Diseases 100% Preventable/Reversed
Cancer, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, parkinson's and many more.
Members buy products at a Very Low Cost!
OPTION: Earn Huge Income!

Yours For Health,


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