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Re: Introduce Yourself
3/1/2007 12:33:51 PM

Hi Friend MyWorldPlus

HI sharon

My name is Marsha Jackson. I wanted to introduce you to the most powerful oppertunity of 2007 where you can save save save on every day items for only $19.95 a month.Live your dreams NO EXPERIANCE OR INTERNET KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED! WORLDWIDE PRODUCT THAT LITERALLY PAYS FOR ITS SELF! START EARNING IMEDIATLY! TOP TRAINING TO HELP YOU SUCCED! AUTOMATED SYSTEM DOES 99% OF THE WORK! . FINANCIAL FREEDOM HAS ARRIVED. Take your first step to SUCCESS with online wealth genration. The secret..... is in the system... We don't leave anything up to chance. Just plugg into our proven 3-step Wealth Generation System.NO SELLING! NO MEETINGS! NO PRESSURE!YOU COULD BE MAKING $2000-$5000 OF EXTRA INCOME PER MONTH!!. FOR MORE INFORMATION GO TO .

Success to you.

Your friend

Marsha Jackson

Flag of Jamie Bray

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Re: Introduce Yourself
3/1/2007 12:51:22 PM

Hi there Everyone!

 I am Jamie and I have some great free sites to tell you about!

 & not to leave out!

Hope you are all doing really well!!

Flag of Mickey Mallette

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Better than trading a Guaranteed Return
3/1/2007 12:56:52 PM

Hello, I would like to introduce to you a new  SILVER site.

This is REAL silver your are buying and FREE to join.

  • Red Hot Silver offers up to 500% guaranteed returns on Silver Purchases.
  • Red Hot Silver is free to register
  • Red Hot Silver also comes with a built in affiliate program.
  • Red Hot Silver plans are affordable for all  -starting at only $25
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Folks this is just the start of some of the great things we will be bringing you this year.


Go to the link below and join free today.


Please check this out and get back to me with any questions.

Thank You


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You gotta check this blaster out

It's not hard making money.
Re: Better than trading a Guaranteed Return
3/1/2007 2:58:01 PM

Hi my name is David Canham.

I'm a newbie when it comes to Internet Marketing.I got into it back in November 2006 when I signed up for online data entry.That introduced me to affiliate marketing which in turn introduced me to resell rights.Currently I have thousands of products that I have amassed in the last few months.I have three websites and ten domain names.  this is my main site "oss" stands for Online Software Solutions. a subsidiary of Online Software Solutions another subsidiary

I currently am uploading products to the sites so what's there is a minute amount of what will be there.Please check out my sites and perhaps even make a purchase if you like.

I have two domains that have a PR of 3 & 4 and plan on building them into sites and renting links for building page Rank.But it will be a little bit before I get into that.I still have to get a bunch of product packages assembled and uploaded to my sites.I also plan on putting a paid membership area on my main site where you can freely download master resell rights and PLR products from a vault as part of your membership.Thankyou for the opportunity to tell you about my business endeavors.

Flag of Jenny SJ

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Re: Introduce Yourself
3/1/2007 3:56:59 PM
Hello Robert,

I have been with AdlandPro for just over a year now.  You may hear me called the Angel Lady - but that is beause my offline business is an angel studio workshop - we paint 'em. (see my sig link)
It is not a reference to my character! lol  Though I do love my friends here.

I have two forums at present.  The first one is called "There's Alway's something New at AdlandPro" - because there is.  This is what it is about
New things are always happening here at Adland and new ways to do and look at old things. New topics, old topics, fun and debate (No shouting allowed! LOL)

And then, most important and dear to my heart, I have been working with Rose Enderud to promote the Arts and Crafts area at AdlandPro.  The result of which is beginning to bear fruit.  We now have the Three Weekly Arts Exhbitions and many other forums going to help artists and craftsmen promote and discuss their work.  My own forum on this topic isdeals with promoting and selling arts and crafts and ways to do it.

I have set up this forum so that people can post their tips and advice on this much needed area for those of us who make a living in the Arts and Crafts world or want to make their hobby profitable.  It is a permanent forum and can be used for reference or added to at any time.

And lastly,  I am promoting a wonderful advertising programme called AdsurfDaily.  Which is  a great discovery and the team here is working hard and enjoying themselves advertising their sites and earning at the same time.  Worth checking out - the Due Dilgence is incredible and they are payng out. 

That's about it folks, apart from the fact - if it isn't obvious - that I love AdlandPro and my friends here


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