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Re: Introduce Yourself
3/1/2007 4:16:01 PM


I am a sales and marketing consultant in the telecom equipment industry. I also have online businesses to take up the slack when my clients have spent their yearly consulting budgets.

I am a single digit handicap golfer and play often. I enjoy writing, working on home projects, and am politically active in the area of education. I can lay brick, do plumbing, electrical, build cabinets, fix TVs and computers, etc. and have a small orchard with 8 different fruit bearing trees and a rose garden.

I built a Koi pond with a waterfall this past year that turned out beautiful.  

I am very interested in astronomy and have submitted a gravitational theory to several places that has yet to be disproved. I enjoy reading about the various famous personalities in the physics and astronomical fields. Most people don't know that the creator of the Big Bang theory was a Catholic priest and the theory is not intended to disprove religion. It is all very fascinating.

I talked a state assemblyman into introducing a bill that would require schools to report violence and drug use to the various  state and local agencies. The intent was to gain visibility so that perhaps the laws and programs to reduce it could be strengthened. It made it past the Assembly and state Senate but then the Terminator vetoed it. The creep. Man, did he get a letter from me.

My daughter is involved in the top ranks of political activity in Calif. She has been the Director of PR for the State Assembly and Attorney General. My son just got his first really good job.

Well, that's me.

Web -



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Re: Introduce Yourself
3/1/2007 9:56:56 PM

Hello folks,

Right now I want to apologize if this becomes lengthy. I am going to tell you my experiences with MLM& introduce myself and give you some help in promoting your opp or our opp if you choose to join us later in this letter. I do though ask that you give me just a few minutes to do this before you delete this email. I am just going to tell you who I am, what I stand for and why I am doing what I am doing.

My name is Mark Gibson & I live in Chouteau, OK. That is about 30 miles ENE of Tulsa. I own a small business and my wife Shelley teaches Special Education on a High School Level even though here kids are mentally about 4 to 8 years old. We are very active in our church. We have 2 kids, (1 girl 15 and a 1 boy 9).

I now ask that you take the time to read this and get to know me and why I am sending this to you. You will also see later some sites that might help you promote your opp or the one I will share with you later. I am going to tell you what I have done over the past 6 years and I won’t beat around the bush or try to sell you on HYPE. Is that fair? My dad told me years ago that “Son if you can find an easier way to make a dol’ar then what I am doing then do it.” I have found a easier way to make a dol’ar but folks it still takes WORK.

In April 2001 a friend of mine showed me a company called Team National (TN). To make this a short story I joined and did what I was told to do, build a list of friends and family. ( You have heard that before, right?) After just over a year of promoting this opp and still not even signing up 1 person I gave up. (That sounds familiar as well, right?) What I can say is that I used their benefit package and saved over $10,000 in 3 years. It was a good return on my investment (ROI). I believe the main reason I had a hard time promoting this opp was the fact to join it was $795 on the low end and $2195 on the high end. You can make some great money with these high ticket items but your market is limited in today’s economy.

In Jan 2003 I joined a company selling a program with prepaid gasoline. Yes I signed people up in this company (I believe it was like 6.) and we made some money before that company went belly up in June 2003 after the owner of the company went out and sponsored a NASCAR is the Busch Grand National Series. I believe if it wasn’t for the NASCAR this one would still be going today. BAD OWNERS/MANAGERS.

Then I stayed with the same bunch of people and joined a program that sold financial information put together by a financial advisor that had taught more then 2000 financial advisors to be a financial advisor. Story made short that one went belly up as well and that is when I decided to go out on my own.

In Sept of 2004 I joined GDI (The .ws guys). I also was introduced to a gentlemen named Tracy Biller. I learned more from Tracy in 6 weeks then I had learned from those other guys in 3 1/2 years. Considering a good friend of mine made over $100,000 in the gas program in his last 6 months with that company I thought he knew what to do. Boy was I wrong!

Here is Tracy Billers site address: I recommend that you download his free ebook. Then if you like what you read you could do yourself a big favor by signing up for his newsletters and anything else he has to offer. The tape is really good.

Anyway as I built a team of over 680 people in GDI in 14 countries in 11 month and I personally sponsored 55 of them myself I thought I had found my home in networking/mlm. In August of 2005 GDI informs me that I had been turned in for spamming. Story made short here, I DID NOT SPAM. The guy that turned me in for spamming I had just replied to his email and he turned me in for spamming. I fought it and lost after about a week. Then a week and half later GDI contacts me and says we believe we made a mistake and if you can send us a copy of that email you sent this gentlemen we will reinstate you. The problem was I had deleted everything I had on GDI when I thought I was done with them. FOLKS DON'T EVER DELETE ANYTHING YOU HAVE ON A COMPANY FOR AT LEAST 6 MONTHS AFTER YOU LEAVE THEM FOR WHATEVER REASON!! That is costing me by now well over $2000 a month.

After leaving GDI I searched for a while and was shown the present company I am with but decided it wasn't a good move for 6 months. BIG MISTAKE!!

That company is Jerky Direct (JD). To date (Feb. 20, 2007) I have now sponsored 30 people. Boy I wished those 30 would sponsor 30 and so on. But wouldn't we all. Folks YOU can sponsor a huge amount of people in any opp but unless you find people that are willing to work the program and sponsor people themselves you are fighting an uphill battle but you still can win that battle. Those 30 have sponsored people and I have a decent size team but nowhere near what I had with GDI. GDI had a program that was easy to understand and it was world wide. JD has a fantastic program but so many people over look how simple it really is. I could go on & on with how great I believe JD is but I won't take that time away from you now. Folks, it is a numbers game. Here read this story :

You may have heard of Bill Britt, one of the most
successful distributors in Amway. Some years ago,
20/20 did a feature story on Amway. They spent 19
minutes interviewing whiners and complainers --
several distributors who had failed and showed
the garages full of products they couldn't sell.

During the last minute of the show, Mr. Britt was
interviewed in front of his palatial home. He was
asked, "Mr. Britt, this business has obviously
worked for you. What's your secret?"

He replied, "There is no secret. I simply showed
the plan to 1200 people. 900 said, 'No.' and
only 300 signed up. Out of those 300, only 85 did
anything at all. Out of those 85 only 35 were
serious, and out of those 35, 11 made me a

Like Mark Yarnell (who made millions with
NuSkin), Bill worked through the numbers.

Like we always say - ANY business is a numberss
game, plain and simple! Remember that & be
persistent & you WILL succeed.

Stack the odds in your favor, play the numbers
and keep a steady flow of NEW prospects to YOUR

Get Started Right NOW!

So what I am saying here is just show the program to as many people as you can. IF your not into that then just be a customer of ours as we show you a product later that 4 out or every 10 household in the USA buy it on a regular basis.


I just want to say this, How many people do you know that likes jerky? What if you could trade $12 for 2 bags of jerky (that is what I believe to be the best jerky you could ever have cross your lips) and let me show you how you are to go find 3 people that would trade you $12 for 2 bags of jerky and you could make up to $2500+ a month would you want to know how? Of course you would, or at least I would hope you would want to know how.

I don't claim to know it all folks but JD has a very simple program if people are willing to be open minded and see how this works. YOU can be in business for as little as $12 a month and with just finding 3 to do the same as you do and they find 3 people and teach them to do that and that continues 7 levels deep you can be making over $2500 a month. Take it to 4 and it is now over $17,000 a month. Will that happen to you? Chances are not. What did I just say? Yes you heard and read that right! Chances are that won't happen. But for $12 a month and you get 2 bags of the best jerky you can buy I DO KNOW I WOULD HAVE TO FIND OUT. For the worst thing that can happen to you is you get 2 bags of jerky for your $12 every month.

Now IF YOU are willing to be open minded and take a look at Jerky Direct I encourage you to do so thru my wife’s site

I do thank you for your time in reading this long message but I hope by now you know who I am and what I stand for. Not only do I do this networking/mlm business I run a very successful business that has been in my family for over 50 years for which I have ran for the past 14 years. Folks I KNOW this is the best opp out their for those that don't have a lot to risk. Only $12 a month and you get that jerky to eat. What a deal.

Here are some sites where you can find free advertising or other MLMers to advertise to or swap ideas.

You can get yourself a fre3 website here:

Those are the ones I use most of the time and then I have some tricks I have learned and don’t forget to do reverse marketing.

Thanks again and I wish all of you a successful life.


Mark Gibson

918-476-4434 (CST)

PS. Will you be more disappointed in 10 years for what you did do or didn’t do?

Disappointment is when the person you have become meets the person you could have became.

To YOUR success, Mark Gibson
Re: Introduce Yourself
3/2/2007 12:00:50 AM

Hi All,


My name is Lorie and I am soooooooooooo new to this community:-) I am hoping to make some new friends and get my opportunity "out there" so we can all make some money from what we love doing best...Being on the computer:-) I just got into this making money on the internet, so am still navigating my way around..but if you are interested please come visit my site at So far it is already making me money and I have only been in it a month, so That's what it is all about!

Please feel free to add me as one of your friends so we can help each other in every way possible....Well that's me!

Thanks Robert for giving me the opportunity to introduce myself!




Lorie McCulloch
Flag of Robert Phillips

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Re: Introduce Yourself
3/2/2007 12:26:52 AM

Hi David

Thanks for sharing your business and wanting to quit your day job is a good

goal too have good luck.

Robert Phillps

Flag of Robert Phillips

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Re: Introduce Yourself
3/2/2007 12:30:00 AM

HI Lemy

Thanks you sharing looks like you can get some good returns with your

investment firm I will take a look

Robert Phillips


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