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Re: Introduce Yourself
2/9/2009 1:06:45 PM
Hi Everyone!  My name is Michelle.  I am a married mom of 2, work outside of the home FT, and from home PT.  I am fairly new to AdlandPro, was introduced to it by an online friend Carla CareyAs I work outside of the home FT, my time online is limited, but i try to make the most of it.  I am an Independent Distributor/Representative for a few different companies:  Mia Bella Candles, Avon, Creative ScentSations, & Arbonne.  Two of my biggest passions CANDLES & SKIN CARE!!!  :)  I enjoy chatting online, making new friends, networking, etc.  I am enjoying my time here at AdlandPro!  Would aprreciate some easy tips on how to make the most of advertising opporunities here.   Thank you in advance!!  Feel free to send me a message, NO MLM or Spam though......:)  Have a Wonderful Day!!
Flag of Cheryl Coldiron

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Re: Introduce Yourself
8/25/2009 8:25:11 PM
Hi Everyone
I'm Cheryl Coldiron.
My DH Max and I live in Louisiana and are the proud parents of 2 grown sons and 2 kitty cats who are our surrogate grandchildren.
I have been involved in home business off and on since 1980 and on the internet since 1995.
I love meeting new people and inspiring them to be all they can be.
cheryl coldiron
A Candles Lover Dream Business
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Re: Introduce Yourself
2/10/2010 8:34:50 PM
My Dear Friend, become a Sunshine Distributor and start you own at home jewelry business selling to, friends, neighbors and business associates.Also making parties at home, It's easy and it's fun to earn money as a Distributor. For Information CALL : 1-800-767-4469. ASK FOR.FOR A FREE CATALOG
Sunshine Jewelry Trivita

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