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Re: Introduce Yourself
3/1/2007 9:31:27 AM
Hi Robert,

Thanks for giving us the opportunity to tell others what we do.  I market the most amazing thing on earth!  I was suffering from severe dehydration, had continous bleeding sinuses and the pain was extreme.  The doctors almost killed me with steroids.  With some networking and extensive research, I found the solution to my health issue.  Because it has helped so many other people with all types of health issues, we have come to realize that it is the most amazing stuff on earth.  Everyone should check it out soon.  For more information for those with health issues or would simply enjoy working with a generous team:

My promotional forum: (Are you drinking water?)
      WHY Water is Crititcal to Your Good Health
        Why you should check your pH.
        How to tell if you are chronically dehydrated like I was.
        Lots of great video clips about Xtreme X2O.
Need more energy... naturally?  No caffiene or sugar.
        Water Facts!
        Discover the shocking truth about popular beverages.
        The effects on water crystals.
        READ this information about The Most Amazing Thing on Earth!
to come...................................................

Who is on our Team forum:  (fantastic team)
      Why did you join?
       Our team is growing here at Adland and elsewhere.
       Find out who is joining.
       Choose the team member you want to partner with.
       Updates weekly... Check often!

Important Testimonials:  (You will be WOW!ed)
      From Those Who Drink X2O
       Saved from Acid Reflux.
       Messages from some Cancer survivors.
       Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
       Hypertension/High Blood Issues
       Diabetes Survivors.
       Weight Loss success.
       If you have a health issue,
         take a look to see if it is here..............................

All about people:  ("Love one another")
      What is Human Potential?
      So many people don't believe in themselves.  We do!
      Short video on Human Potential.
      Explore your potential with our Team.......................


***ADLAND BULLETIN BOARD*** What is Xtreme X2O? ###Get some X2O and Jerky RADICAL for the TRUTH! Laus Deo! ** HUG DEPARTMENT: Always OPE
Flag of Robert Montgomery

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Re: Introduce Yourself
3/1/2007 9:31:52 AM

Hello Robert:

My name is Robert Montgomery. Owner of Ram_Industries Online Promotions.

At present I am locked in promoting a small boat and yacht painting company.

Martech Inc. Yacht Coating Specialists is located in Jacksonville, Florida. 

Martech Inc. is the subcontractor for Custom Steel Boats of Merritt North Carolina. Martech Inc. is well known as one of the leading yacht painters in the USA.

To see what Martech is really known to do, please view their website at:

No job is too small or too large for Martech Inc.


Robert A. Montgomery

Ram_Industries Robert A. Montgomery
Flag of Mahlon Grube

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Re: Introduce Yourself
3/1/2007 9:34:23 AM

Most people call me Mel.  I am from Las Vegas, Nevada.  I am 59 years young and not nearly ready to retire.

I help people that live in the USA set up self-funding savings accounts.  Also if you have been thinking of setting up a college for your kids or grandkids, I can help you for as little as 83 cents per day. All this is backed by the U.S. Government.

I also send out a free Motivational email newsletter.  Contact me and I will put you on the list.  You can see a sample copy here:

Have a great day.
God Bless You, Mahlon Grube I help people in MLM Succeed.
Re: Introduce Yourself
3/1/2007 9:55:09 AM

To All:

My name is Tamogene Silva and I am a mother of 4 children.  My oldest son is 18 his name is Michael, next is Tyler he is 15, then Marisa(my only girl) she is 7, and my baby boy Alejandro is 6.

I am not working currently.  I had 2 back surgeries from a work injury.  It has totally changed my life.  I use to be a very active person, now I can barely sit or stand for long nor can I drive long distance.  I live on $640.00/mo (in Sacramento, CAlifornia) and I am in the process of going into vocational rehabilitation.  Wish me luck

I have been trying to sell stuff on e-bay (tamogene10200) and I have a Money Making Web Site  I have been working to promote both. 

Please take the time to check out my web site and If your interested call 1-888-230-7531 ext 42038 and listen to the 9 minute audio.   The web site pays you for referrals and Affiliates that you sign up with.  You will see on my site I have e-bay, Amazon, DVD Ave, Gym Warehouse  and Casino Alley, Yes Gambling.  These automatically come with the website.  Then you have access to Commission Junction this is a global leader in on-line advertising in affiliate marketing and managed search. 

There is alot more to the websit I suggest if your interested check it out.  What is 9 minutes of you time.

God Bless You All!

Tamogene Silva


Tamogene Silva
Re: Introduce Yourself
3/1/2007 10:11:41 AM

I would like to introduce my business and myself to you. Hopefully we can start a successful business relationship and help each other be profitable online.

If you would be so kind to take a look at my website:


Thomas Reynolds


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