
Who is Tamogene Silva?

Tamogene Silva

Tamogene Silva
BirthdayThursday, January 26, 1967
Member SinceMonday, February 26, 2007
Last ActivityWednesday, June 20, 2007
LocationSacramento, Connecticut, United States United States
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About Me
About Me
My name is Tamogene Silva I am a mother of 3 boys ages 17, 14, 6 and one daughter age 7 going on 21. I am currently not working. I am disabled due to two back surgeries. I was told I could never work full-time but, I can work part-time with limitations. So, I am trying to make money on e-bay selling my stuff and I have a Money Making Web Site.  I have 15 years working in Construction Accounting and as a Project Manager. I am hoping to find someone who will hire doing bookkeeping from my home. I also, do transcription and I can type proposals, Invoices, letters. I have experience in Peachtree, Quickbooks, American Contractor, MS Office; Word, Excell. Well I look forward to meeting new people on this web site. God Bless You All
My Interests
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Industries: Investing, Internet
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Roger Ketcham - (3/12/2007 1:48:48 PM) : nice pic nice smile.


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