Hello Robert and Friends,
My name Is Heidi K. Stern, (no relation thankfully hehehe)
I currently reside and run my business from Pennsylvania, United States.
I have been married for 22 years and going strong. I have 2 boys now young men, I home-schooled through Senior High. Best choice I have ever made.
I love to meet new people. I have often times been called a people person.
I consider myself to be self motivated, dependable and passionate.
I am grateful for my health, my family, and my friends everyday.
I really care about others and truly do my best to always bring a positive light to everyone I meet.
I would like to say Robert that I appreciate your community spirit, and your positive mind set.
You, my friend are definitely a team player and I wish you all the success you dream of.
Please feel free to research more about my business, and ask me if have any questions.
I look forward to rubbing elbows with you Robert.
Heidi K. Stern / H.E.A.R.T.S Healthy Living
"May you have peace in your homes, money in your wallets and love in your H.E.A.R.T.S."