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Re: Introduce Yourself
3/21/2007 5:03:04 PM
HItHANKS FOR THE INVITE: Hi My name is Marsha Jackson: I wanted to let you know about my newest site.It is called UNITEDPRO MEDIA. You can get in to the add program. Where you put your own money in to ads and you make money off those adds.Also there are products you can buy as a member at whole sale price. I want to tell you a littel about myself.I am useing a product called mega mangosteen which is a purple ith a white center tropical fruit that grows on trees and is cultivated in both north-eastern and southern hemispheres.And has been used in these areas for a number of ailments.What makes megamanosteen different is the orac (Oxygen Radical Absobance Capacity) score.This is a lab analysis that measures the total invetro antioxident power of foods.The higher the orac score,the greaterthe potential benefitsbecause of the antioxidens that help defend against free radical damage to the cells.Mega mangosteen also has a potent full spectum conplex of over 70 ionic trace minerals and elements from Cocentrace.This Helps to absorband assimitate all the nutrents so you can attain the greates health benefit possible. I use megamangosteen daily. I have M.S and was always waking up in the morning after 8 hrs or more still tired. I started Using this product and the very first week I noticed I was waking up after 8 hrs sleep and feeling quite rested .I was able to up the hrs of worke I was doing by 8 more hrs. And stll come home from work and do most anything I want. I have been using this product for 2 months now and I have not had any issues with my M.S and the fatige I have felt.For more information on this and so much more . Put this in youre browser Did you get your free mailing this week to fresh opt-in leads?
Robert Phillips

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Re: Introduce Yourself
3/26/2007 3:50:02 AM

Hi Marsha

Thanks for sharing your business I see your getting around here

Robert Phillips

Re: Introduce Yourself
4/2/2007 8:33:47 AM
This is good, I really am learning a lot here at adland pro.
Introduce Yourself
4/2/2007 8:41:31 AM

Hi my name is Duane Francis. I am a professional copywriter and spoken word artitse from Jamaica. I am pretty new to Adland Pro but I know it will be a great learning experience for me. I am really enjoying the spirit of sharing I have seen here. If you need copywriting services contact me maybe I can help. I like poetry, blogging, martial arts and making new friends.  I look forward to exchanging ideas with new friends.


Duane Francis


feel free to visit and enjoy witty humorus and motivational writing and poetry the Jamaican way.



Robert Phillips

1540 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Introduce Yourself
4/10/2007 4:43:52 AM

Hi Duane

Its good to meet you and I check out your site very professional and if I need you services in the future will be happy to contact you

Robert Phillips


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