Hi Robert,
I too am marketing online as a full time occupation.
Just one with no set hours and I'm the Boss.
Old habits die hard, so I still get up early and put in my 8 or so hours each day, but at my pace doing what I want.
Before I started my internet marketing career I spent 25 years in IT support for various government and corporate employers and their clients.
My home is in Plantagenet, which is located in Eastern Ontario, between Ottawa (Canada's Capital City) and Montreal, Quebec.
I'm a lifelong lover of all motorsports, especially motorcyles and snowmobiles.
We do lots of golfing, fishing and skiing here, it's great for all kinds of close by fun.
One of my greatest joys in life is spending time with my three boys.
We go to plenty of local hockey games, and sporting events with my 13 year old, he plays tons of sports.
C.J. the hockey player

I haven't been in ALP community for long but it's a great place to meet friends and do business!
Invite me to be your friend and join my forum here:
post your outdoor fun pics and stories here!