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Re: A Joke About Business In America
2/24/2007 2:40:15 AM
Hello Robert

Just a quick note - without wishing to get your forum completely off topic.  Your original post dealt with the use people make of knowledge and how they interpret it.  Yes Neil for the second time on a public forum I agree with you (your p.s. is an opinion - however empirical the evidence).

Western Management (As the US may be the principal sinners, they are not the only ones) frequently do not use the knowledge they have available to them to manage well.  It appears that, in many instancesm they  pay more attention to their status of managers  than the responsibility of managing.

In fact the word Power in North America 
has become a concept equated to success-  Power Lunches, (dare I say) Power Members, implying knowledge. In most parts of the world, Power, is a word associated with tyranny and dominance and often money and is generally a negative concept.  It bears little relation to the wise use of knowledge.   With all due repect to you, Terry, I think I prefer, if any, the expression Knowledge is Strength (of the inner variety)


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Re: A Joke About Business In America
2/24/2007 3:07:27 AM
Well Jenny I could care less who agrees with me or not. Your constant bitching about the United States REALLY PISSES ME OFF! I guess since the U.S. leads the world in damn near eveything there is, it just makes you Europeans jealous. You people are SO IGNORANT on the facts about Iraq & our war there being FULLY JUSTIFIED and a VERY Necessary part of our war on Terror. NOW back to the subject at hand. IF you had a CLUE, you would know that SUFFICIENT Power, in EVERY species and in EVERY culture IS SUCCESS! Neil
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Re: A Joke About Business In America
2/24/2007 3:23:46 AM
Hi Robert,

I couldnt resist the temptation to respond to Neil.  Neil, you talk about your high degree of listening skills.  Well read and listen with an open mind please. 

It is not a question of envy or anything of the kind that the interpretation of the word Power is different in the majority of the world outside the United States - which is definately a big country.  On a personal note - I am sorry you have seen " constant bitching" about your Country in any of my posts - I am certainly not an anti-american european - even if I do not share some
american's view of Europe as americas poor relation.

I have not mentioned Iraq in this post and fail to see what on earth that has to do with Roberts comments on management.

And whether or not I have a CLUE - perhaps you are forgetting that people tend to interpret comments due their OWN experience - and far from thinking of your country - I was actually thinking of my own adopted Country Spain, where, as a recently ex military dictatorship under Franco - Power has, for many years until recent times,  meant tyranny, repression of freedom of speech (complete with imprisonment and previously execution), repression of religious freedom and a good attempt at freedom of thought!  I have lived in three countries and visited the US.  This does not make me an expert on anything - but my own empirical experience of goverment and management in the Western world (not the US Neil - the Western World) has led me to these opinions.  Which may also change as I learn more.

With Respect


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Re: A Joke About Business In America
2/24/2007 1:18:51 PM

You are right, Neil.

Knowledge is only as good as the person who is using it.  Something like a computer.  Put in the wrong data and what do you get?

Using knowledge correctly or to benefit others can be powerful.  Like anything else it can also be destructive.




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Flag of Neil Reinhardt

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Re: A Joke About Business In America
2/24/2007 4:06:13 PM
Hi Jenny, SORRY! I do have temper problems. It is some kind of mental thing about instant anger. I saw something on the net about it and have to find it again. Anywho, I DO have an Open Mind. It is OPEN to information which is NEW to me. It is not open to information which I have been privy to in the past, examined and found to be lacking in substance. (More than a little information I have checked into more than just once to verify there is either insufficient proof to accept it or it totally illogical.) The problem arises when someone presents me with information which is new to them OR which they believe I do not know about. Then they get all excited and accuse me of not being "open minded" when I quickly reject it. Sorry Jenny, you are incorrect when you say: "Power is different in the majority of the world outside the United States" Power, in itself, is the SAME no matter where it is. The only difference is how the power is used. Power, no matter if it is used for Bad, or for Good, is STILL just Power! There are those who use power to allow freedom and those who use power which restrict freedom. While some religious robots and others who live with "Alice in Wonderland" may disagree with my following statement, the real world facts are: NOTHING INTRINSICALLY HAS ANY RIGHTS WHAT SO EVER! ALL RIGHTS ARE GRANTED BY THOSE WHO HAVE THE POWER TO GRANT THEM! PERIOD! END OF STORY! This is NOT open to discussion as I will not waste my time with anyone who is so illogical as to not get it. Next. I did not say you had mentioned Iraq in this forum. I said it due to your past comments on the Iraq war. Comments which prove you have either not taken the time to learn the facts on Iraq or you simply deny those facts which prove you wrong. As far as your statement: "And whether or not I have a CLUE - perhaps you are forgetting that people tend to interpret comments due their OWN experience" FACTS are NOT open to interpretation! "STOP" does NOT mean "Squeal Tires On Pavement" Facts don't care if misguided people accept them or not. Our oval earth does not care if some clueless clods who live in first world countries and should know better say it is flat. Nope, facts are facts no matter if everyone, or no one, believes them. Please, Take Care! Neil
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