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Flag of Robert Phillips

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A Joke About Business In America
2/21/2007 12:33:45 AM

Business American Style

The Americans and the Japanese decided to engage in a competitive boat race. Both teams practiced hard and long to reach their peak performance. On the big day they felt ready. The Japanese won by a mile. Afterward, the American team was discouraged by the loss. Morale sagged.

Corporate management decided that the reason for the crushing defeat had to be found, so a consulting firm was hired to investigate the problem and recommended corrective action. The consultant's finding: The Japanese team had eight people rowing and one person steering; the American team had one person rowing and eight people steering.

After a year of study and millions spent analyzing the problem, the consultant firm concluded that too many people were steering and not enough were rowing on the American team.

So as race day neared the following year, the American team's management structure was completely reorganized. The new structure: Four steering managers, three area steering managers and a new performance review system for the person rowing the boat to provide work incentive.

The next year the Japanese won by two miles. Humiliated, the American Corporation laid off the rower for poor performance and gave the managers a bonus for discovering the problem.


Flag of Neil Reinhardt

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Re: A Joke About Business In America
2/21/2007 1:36:05 AM
Hi Robert, That is a funny story and I enjoyed it. THANK YOU for sharing it. Still, being me, I have to submit the following facts about the Japanese and their success. The facts are, for years after World War II, the one thing they were famous for were cheap products of very low quality. During this time, an American named W. Edwards Deming was attempting to convince American corporations to use the methods he had put forth to improve our war production in the manufacture of civilian products as well. He use statical analysis to improve the quality control processes. Only since the US was one of the few countries in the world who had first class manufacturing capabilities and was busy building all kinds of things bout Americans and the rest of the world wanted, those running our corporations did not pay any attention to Mr. Deming. He was invited to Japan to preach his views on quality control. Here the Japanese outshined the Americans as they paid attention to Mr. Deming's and to what he putting forth. The Japanese took his teaching to heart and within a few years were turning out very high quality products. Their sales & their reputation for high quality products sored and they became a world leader. All this happened because Americans would not listen to one of their own and the Japanese did. How important was W. Edwards Deming to the Japanese? Well, the highest award a Japanese company can earn is called, "The Deming Prize" -------------------------------- W. Edwards Deming Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Deming Dimension. ... -------------------------------- Please, Take Care! Neil "Yep, Lotto Magic IS MAGIC!" The more I know about it, the better I think it is! This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says, for a simple, easy and low time taking, proven 11 year old program which is a better way to earn money than any mlm, click below: --- --- "Nearly Every Person Does Network Marketing Every Single Day, They Just Do Not get Paid For It."
This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says: For a simple, inexpensive, and great tasting, way to earn money, click here: ----------------------- -------------------- And for a progam which is better than most mlm's I know of
Flag of Lisa Simpkins

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Re: A Joke About Business In America
2/21/2007 6:39:02 AM

Hi Robert,

A true America to analyze and poor tons of money into a project only to find out that it could have been solved if just a few people would have communicated.

American Wisdom!!!

Thank you for sharing!


Flag of Sheryl Loch

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Re: A Joke About Business In America
2/21/2007 3:42:51 PM

The person that was rowing took the team to court & this what was found -

They "the person rowing" was an alcoholic (had a beer with a buddy), drug addicted (inhaled as a teen), homosexual (had said another person looked nice), abused child (mother spanked them for acting ass), with ADD (would not behave when told), hormonal disorders (had an opinion that someone did not like), depressed (thought he wasn't good enough to be on the team), thief (took the ore home to show the family), child molester (hugged the kids), & homicidal (had worked for the postal service) & was  attention deprived (shaved their head). They were sent directly to rehab & prescribed medication! They will be out in 3 weeks, cured & back to work!!!


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Sheryl Loch  ~   allmylovecrafts

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Flag of Robert Phillips

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Re: A Joke About Business In America
2/21/2007 7:33:45 PM

Hi Neil

Thanks for sharing the info I learned alot about dr.deming in college I have read two of his book.

Also he has recieved the highest honors in japan a person can get the empires award.

His main teaches were to improve on quality of a product by building it and finding out the flaws on each production period.

So over time the product became better and better

robert phillips


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