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Re: 476 Adland Emails in 10 days. Do you read them all?
2/10/2007 12:07:11 PM

I could not agree more with Bills post. When I first joined Adland I read most of the messages I received from other Adlanders, but as the days went by and as I received countless numbers of "You Gotto Join Now, Get In On The Ground Floor" messages I came to realize that this is not the place for people who are aspiring to be professional marketers.

When I found adland I very much hoped that I would find a group of people who had banded together with a common purpose and belief in the virtue of network marketing as a legitimate channel for distribuiting goods and serivices. My desire was that I would find acceptance and support from people finding value in my goods and services as I might find value in theirs. I am sad to say that this does not appear to be the 'soul' of adland. What does seem to be the soul of adland is the 'snake oil' mentality and because of this I am very disppointed. The problem with the snake oil approach to marketing is that it is based on greed and this I think is fundamentally wrong from both a busines and a moral perspective. The other thing that is really sad about this is that people marketing in this manner are operating under the delusion that they are serious marketers using real marketing skills, when in fact they are not.

Fortunately for me I have found another organization that offers true marketing education where businesses are built not on appealing to greed, but based on real marketing skills and I have had more success in 30 days then I have had in all the time I put into Adland. Real marketing skills are based on finding the right message, the right audience and then prospecting and closing based on product virtues, not greed. The difference folks is that network marketing companies come and go and when they go you are gone and so is your downline and your income. The real key ingredient in business is in developing the skills necessary to market as a professional where the offer is primarily product based and secondarily opportunity based. Then if the company goes, or if something happens that causes your downline to disapper, you at least are still earning income from product users. Busineses built on solid product customers are far more stable than business built on the efforts of others seeking the satisfaction of greed. The fallout rate in MLM is 90 percent when greed is the major attractor factor. This is not the case when you market products based on real product value. 

Suffice, to say that I could go on about this but I think I have communicated my feelings and why I think that adland is not the place for professional marketers or for people aspiring to become professonal marketers. This should not be taken as an attack, but rather a critique based on my personal observations. You can take, or leave it depending on who you are and where you are in your own business. If you are interested in learning true marketing skills and how to grow your business not by appealing to peoples greed but prospecting to people that have a legitimate want, need, or desire for your products than feel free to contact me. Regardless I wish you all the best of luck.  


Dan Latrimurti

Dan and Anna Latrimurti
Re: 476 Adland Emails in 10 days. Do you read them all?
2/10/2007 7:45:38 PM

I too check to see who the sender is...if it's from someone who only sends out ads, I delete. 

Flag of Winston Scoville

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Re: 476 Adland Emails in 10 days. Do you read them all?
2/10/2007 11:40:01 PM
I have to admit, when it comes to my Adland inbox I look at it maybe once every couple of months or so. I have managed to eliminate a lot of the garbage by turning off a lot of features. Actually, I have it to the point now that I only get messages put out by the Adland staff for the most part. If someone wants to get hold of me they can do so through the fourms I participate in. Like most people here, I don't want to be offered other peoples buiness opportunities. I already have a business. A couple of things I learned early on about business opportunities online, is to stay away from anything that says (or some semblence of) 1. Free to Join 2. No Work 3. We do it all for you. They are ALL losing situations, and you can take that to the bank! LOL
Flag of Bill Brown

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Re: 476 Adland Emails in 10 days. Do you read them all?
2/11/2007 11:09:37 AM

This is in response to Winston.

So what you are saying is that all the people that pay the Adlander fee and send out using the DC credits they have PAID for are throwing their money away when they send a DC that you SHOULD be receiving because you either invited them, or accepted their invite, to be friends.

All I can say is if you were on my friends list  you wouldn't be there long, and my personal feeling is that all the people who pay the Adlander fee on your friends list should remove you for contributing to their throwing money down the drain.


Flag of Winston Scoville

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Re: 476 Adland Emails in 10 days. Do you read them all?
2/11/2007 9:18:24 PM
Hi Bill, It might do you well to read the terms of service of this website. If I might just quote a reference from the TOS of the site: "As a user you agree not to post, email, or otherwise make available content which meet the following criteria: .... "quote" - constitutes or contains any form of advertising or solicitation if (1) posted in areas of ADLANDPRO which are not designated for such purposes; or (2) emailed to Adlandpro users who have requested not to be contacted about other services, products or commercial interests. "end quote" ...." For ALL members here at Adland, participation in anything is "optional". So, just because you pay for something doesn't mean that I or any other member of Adland have to participate in it. If you or other members participate in other programs here at Adland that take advantage of certain features that is your choice, but it doesn't give you or anyone else the right to push that information on to others that don't want to participate. I value the peoople on my friends list dearly and while we may not agree on all things, I would never subject them to what I beleive to be poor business building ethics.

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