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Re: Just when you thought you knew the alphabet...does YOUR upline know the difference between UU and W ?
2/8/2007 4:09:47 PM

Hi James, I just sent you a friendship invitation.  I thought you were already on my friends list.  Have you seen my other forums?  Details here:


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Re: Just when you thought you knew the alphabet...does YOUR upline know the difference between UU and W ?
2/8/2007 5:30:07 PM

Thanks Kathleen,

I really like that, I am guessing that as long as I copy your article "as posted" with your copyright, that I could send it to my downline?

You have a great forum!!

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Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Just when you thought you knew the alphabet...does YOUR upline know the difference between UU and W ?
2/8/2007 6:37:45 PM
Sure, if you keep my name and copyright on it!  Hopefully if there are members of your downline here at Adlandpro, they'll look me up! Thanks!
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Flag of Sheryl Loch

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Re: Just when you thought you knew the alphabet...does YOUR up line know the difference between UU and W ?
2/8/2007 9:28:14 PM


Were you peeking in our house today??? I was just trying to explain to Cait why you would put one of your recruits under another person in your team even though the commission is less. I told her that as soon as he/she got a sign up under them they would get a check & it would raise their enthusiasm. They may have had a little trouble getting started but may end up being your best sales person!


Today my #1 sales Team is Building!

Sheryl Loch   ~  allmylovecrafts

Proud Mom of,

Caitlinn Hagar  ~   gamegirlracing


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Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Just when you thought you knew the alphabet...does YOUR up line know the difference between UU and W ?
2/8/2007 9:46:30 PM

Hi Sheryl,

A few years ago I would have been hard to convince to give out help if I wasn't going to earn anything for myself BUT I realize now that people will appreciate the help more if we all make moderate progressive gains together as a group instead of having my group below me looking up at a pile of money that I could be earning for myself.  That's not encouraging to people if they're not earning anything and someone else IS and that person is not offering help.

Fame first, fortune second.  People need to know WHO we are in character before they are willing to spend money on WHAT we may be offering. 

I have faith in Lotto Magic as a strong business that's run by good people or I wouldn't even be extending myself like this.

Besides, I've lived with broken toilets before and other broken things we usually take for granted, and I've delivered newspapers before early in the morning and late at night, and I've also earned lots of money before and spent it all and went back to square one.  So I know who I am without money and with money, there's not much difference...I think I'm basically a good person in any situation, that's what I mean.

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