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Sammy Hale

291 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Life is too short
1/8/2009 5:22:36 PM

Life is too short to nurse grudges or hurt feelings.

It's too short to worry about getting ready for Christmas. Just let Christmas come.

It's too short to keep all your floors shiny.

It's too short to let a day pass without hugging your loved ones.

It's too short not to take a nap when you need one.

It's too short to put off Bible study.

It's too short to give importance to whether the towels match the bathroom.

It's too short to miss the call to worship on a Sunday morning.

It's too short to stay indoors on a crisp fall Saturday.

It's too short to read all the junk mail.

It's too short not to call or write your parents (or children) regularly.

It's too short to work at a job you hate.

It's too short not to stop and talk to children.

It's too short to forget to pray.

It's too short to put off improving our relationships with people that we love.

Life is just too short.

Way too short to settle for mediocrity! the MAX Get paid for reading emails, $10.00 bonus for signing up! Come visit
Sammy Hale

291 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Not and end, but a beginning.
1/23/2009 7:24:47 PM
Stay in the city until you are empowered from on high.  Luke 24:49

Writing on the subject of the Holy Spirit has whetted my appetite for more of His fullness and His power.  I can never be the same again.  I hope something similar happens to you.
The Holy Spirit coordinates and unifies the conscious and the subconscious, He comforts and contributes, He clothes and convinces.  There is much more that could be said, of course, about His ministry in our lives, but let me draw your attention to something else--God is willing to give you as much of His Spirit as you are willing to receive.
If you believe that you received all of the Spirit at conversion, then the question for you is this:  How much is He ruling and reigning in your life at this present moment?  If you believe that the Holy Spirit is given subsequent to conversion, then permit me to ask you this:  What steps have you taken to open your entire being to Him in order that you might be filled with all His fullness?  Don't, I beg you, remain stagnant because of some doctrinal position you might hold.  Seek Him afresh today, that He might flow through your life in the fullness of His power. 
And don't just focus on being filled for the blessing you might enjoy.  Remember, the Holy Spirit is like electricity--He won't come in unless He can get out.  Tell Him you want to be a channel, not just a consumer, and today will be not an end, but a beginning. the MAX Get paid for reading emails, $10.00 bonus for signing up! Come visit
Sammy Hale

291 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
2/4/2009 7:50:43 PM

If you are an American, you should enjoy this link:

Have a great day! the MAX Get paid for reading emails, $10.00 bonus for signing up! Come visit
Sammy Hale

291 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
2/7/2009 11:00:15 PM

by Kerby Anderson

Daily Commentary Video Link
Click on the image to view the video.

Is America suffering from Affluenza? Actually that is the title of a book published a number of years ago to define the problems of materialism in general and consumerism in particular.

The authors say that the virus of Affluenza "is not confined to the upper classes but has found it ways throughout our society. Its symptoms affect the poor as well as the rich . . . Affluenza infects all of us, though in different ways." The authors go on to say that "the Affluenza epidemic is rooted in the obsessive, almost religious quest for economic expansion that has become the core principle of what is called the American dream."
Anyone looking at some of the social statistics for the U.S., might conclude that our priorities are out of whack. We spend more on shoes, jewelry, and watches than on higher education. We spend much more on auto maintenance than on religious and welfare activities. And three times as many Americans buy Christmas presents for their pets than buy a present for their neighbors.

Debt and waste also show skewed priorities. More Americans have declared personal bankruptcy than graduated from college. Our annual production of solid waste would fill a convoy of garbage trucks stretching halfway to the moon. We have twice as many shopping centers as high schools.

And Americans seem to be working themselves to death in order to pay for everything they own or want to buy. We now work more hours each year than do the citizens of any other industrial country, including Japan. And according to Department of Labor statistics, full-time American workers are putting in 160 hours more (essentially one month more) than they did in 1969.  And 95 percent of our workers say the wish they could spend more time with their families.

The cure for the virus Affluenza is a proper biblical perspective toward life. The only problem is that this virus has infected many Christians. So we need to return to biblical priorities ourselves.

Jesus tells the parable of a rich man who decides to tear down his barns and build bigger ones (Luke 12:18). He is not satisfied with his current situation, but is striving to make it better. Today most of us have adjusted to a life of affluence as normal and need to actively resist the virus of Affluenza. I'm Kerby Anderson, and that's my point of view. the MAX Get paid for reading emails, $10.00 bonus for signing up! Come visit
Sammy Hale

291 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
2/7/2009 11:11:48 PM

Whatever you obey, whatever you choose, becomes your master. You become a "slave" to it.  

Choose sin, and you reap death. There are all kinds of death.  

Some choices lead to physical death: drink and drive, and you might be killed.

Choose to smoke or drink excessively, and you might develop disease and die prematurely.

Choose to stuff anger inside rather than deal with it, and your relationships might die.  

Choose to ignore God, and you end up with a joyless, meaningless existence.

  Is there anything other than righteousness that's your master at this moment?

 If so, confess it and claim God's deliverance. the MAX Get paid for reading emails, $10.00 bonus for signing up! Come visit

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