Hi Jenny,
sorry we got cut off the other day, but this is happening rather too frequently here with the new Wanadoo owners - even though I have a 24/7 account with them!
Anyway, I have just got an idea that could be interesting to other crafty workers, and I am now trying it out.
As you know I publish my Poster Books through Lulu (http://www.lulu.com/norman-clark) and although the maximum size of a book is around the A4 size, it suddenly dawned on me that I could produce a colour book with my own pix (CARtoons, Racing Cars etc) each to take a full page. Full colour pages costs 15 cents each with Lulu plus a cover charge of about 4 dollars - cover as in book jacket that is.
Now, here in France copies of old ads., sell for about 12 euros each.
My idea is to produce a book of say 50 of my images, then cut the pages to sell the prints separately at say 2-3 euros each. As I mentioned before we don't exactly have Arts & Craft Fairs here but we do have a long season of Brocantes and Puces (Antique Fairs and Flea Markets).
The trick will be to see what sort of prints would be acceptable, so I have also included a lot of my old work of Castles of the Perigord, and my own re-works of a lot of classic posters - and even my own productions of posters in the old styles.
I pass the idea along to others who might just be looking for an alternative to actually selling - or trying to sell original artwork only.
All the best,