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Jenny SJ

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Re: What you can find at Arts and Craft Fairs
2/7/2007 12:18:08 PM
Hi Neil,

Good to see you visiting us here at Artisans' Corner!!  We need customers to keep on working - so start saving up to make Knight a wealthy man! lol

Thanks for the info on the fairs in the Beach Cities of Southern California.  Well worth investigating for you artists and artisans in South Calfornia!


Jenny SJ

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Re: Arts and Craft Fairs - Good places to buy and sell?
2/7/2007 12:28:54 PM
Hi Denise and Joanne,

Good to see a pair of crafters getting together. That's networking!

If anyone wants to display their stuff - off you go to Rose's Artshow!

This is now AdlandPro's permanent showboard for artists and artesans to let us see their work!.

Please come back with any advice or info on crafts fairs to this forum - We want people to have a place to swop their experiences and help each other.on this topic - most of us couldnt live without them!

For any other selling hints or advice - The Artisans' Corner is the place to be!.  these will be permanent help and info forums.

Thanks for posting

Jenny SJ

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Re: Arts and Craft Fairs - Good places to buy and sell?
2/7/2007 12:35:04 PM
Hi Sheryl,

You have just hit on a very important point.  With art and craft fairs it is very important to persist. 

Often a regular stall at a monthly or weekly market brings results and good ones.  I have met many clients - including wholesale clients from attending one particular market monthly for years.  It might not bring money That Day, but now they know where to find me, have my leaflet and come back TO ME when they need an angel or a nativity.  People dont always buy art and craft the first time they see it, but regular fairs and markets are great places to build up regular customers. Especially in small towns!

Thanks for your advice

Jenny SJ

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Re: Arts and Craft Fairs - Good places to buy and sell?
2/7/2007 12:43:55 PM
Hello Norman,

Your information packed post has to interest any artsist or crafter living in France!  There are certainly many options for artists and crafters to sell - in the markets you speak of.  I do know people that earn at leaast part of their living doing this.

The news of a local french/foreigners workshop in your area sounds fantastic for anyone who can get to you.  13th of Feb - hope you let us know what happens.

Hey, if you have an Arts and crafts Fair there - can I come and bring my angels? (if it is not too cold. lol)

Thanks a million for a helpful post.

Re: What you can find at Arts and Craft Fairs
2/7/2007 2:00:59 PM

Hi Rose,

Thanks for inviting me . I have not had the opportunity to attend any arts and crafts event lately. The link that you provided had some interesting items. What a wonderful thing you are doing for your friend Jenny. Anyone needing to  promote  arts and craft, you are welcome to use these sites to  display your items please feel free to advertise.

Warm Regards,

Christine Jackson