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Doris Shewchuk

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Re: Our vision controls the way we think .....
6/26/2005 2:12:56 PM
Hello Bogdan, Great topic, as usual. Vision is definately something you must have to succeed. If you don't have a vision, a dream, a goal...then you are just wandering in the night. If you can see a better life for yourself, your family, for the world...and if you can hang onto will find the determination to follow through. Do what needs to be done. Find the answers to correct the problem areas. For me, becoming disabled destroyed alot of my visions and it was a long time to regroup. When I first came to the internet, one of the first marketers that I came across was Corey Rudl. His vision was that everyone could succeed with online marketing. He gave you the tools and the knowledge, the encouragement and hope and what you did with it was your choice. This was some years ago, but I've trusted in that and also made it my vision to help as many on their way as I can. I like to see other people's success because it lets me know that I'm on the right path.If everyone shares their success, then we all win. People helping people...the way it's supposed to be! God didn't put us here to punish us, he wants us to be happy, healthy, harmonious, abundant and as long as we keep this vision in mind, it WILL BE. I think that's what AdlandPro is all about. Wishing success and abundance, Doris Shewchuk
Our spiritual essence is what carries us through in life and in death. Love is the answer that we all seek and love is the only cure for a planet gone mad. ~~Doris Shewchuk
Re: Our vision controls the way we think .....
6/26/2005 3:30:43 PM
Hi very good your dreams in action can change your life Vidéo leader d’Organisation Good night Freddy
to be first with you
Drbob Siegman

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Re: Our vision controls the way we think .....
6/26/2005 4:12:44 PM
Hi Bogdan,and all my friends at ALP, Once again, another goodie.please Keep them coming. You must first see it, before you can achieve it Happy Smiles to all,
Shelly Hargis

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Re: Our vision controls the way we think .....
6/26/2005 4:17:46 PM
Thank You Bogdan, This is so True. Our Visions can really effect our thought. This is Why it is so Important to Stay Positive. Thanks Again for your inspiring Words. Sincerely, Shelly Hargis
Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Our vision controls the way we think .....
6/26/2005 4:19:05 PM
Hello Bogdan, Also on Dr.Bobs note,heres one I live by:walk by faith not by sight; also: name it and claim it. just shareing,thanks kathy martin
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking