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Lisa Lomas

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Re: Our vision controls the way we think .....
6/26/2005 8:00:53 PM
Hello Bogdan (First I wish to apologise for writing your name wrong in previous posts I just realised my error, my sincerest apologies). What you wrote today reminds me of something else someone said, You have to taste it! You have to feel it! I beleive I am in contact with alot of visionaries here at adlandpro & very proud to have time here daily. Kindest Regards Lisa Lomas
Thinking of visiting New Zealand. A must see is Hawkes Bay, Hastings.
Re: Our vision controls the way we think .....
6/26/2005 8:07:20 PM
Hello Bogdan! This quote reminds me of a speech I once heard by a famous motivator (I can't remember his name right now). I believe the title of the speech was "Diamonds in your own back yard". You've probably have heard it. I believe it was a true story about a man who sold his lands in Africa to search for diamonds in other regions. He ended up spending all his money in his quest to find diamonds and he died broke. Mean while, back at his former property the new owner was out surveying his new acquired lands when he came across a large stone in a stream. He thought it was a large quartz and liked the way it looked so he displayed it on his fireplace mantle. One day the stone caught the attention of a friend who was visiting. The friend asked him if he new what he had in his possession, he replied no. His friend went on to explain to him that he probably had the biggest diamond ever discovered. Anyhow the moral of the story is that we all have diamonds in our back yard and we just have to know what we are looking for. He gave examples of how people have made fortunes with what they have just around them. He explained how people fail to utilize what has been given them. They don't utilize the resources available to them. This story comes in a cassette and is available in bookstores. I highly recommend it. Take care everyone! Your Friend, John
Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: Our vision controls the way we think .....
6/26/2005 8:14:11 PM
Hi John, I heard this story from Brian Tracy. Bogdan
Re: Our vision controls the way we think .....
6/26/2005 8:17:44 PM
When you can concentrate and put action behind whateverit it is you want, it must manifest itself in the material world. So let nothing interrrupt your time given to focused concentration and persistence. -Preston- 800-782-8142
Jeffrey Obrien

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Re: Our vision controls the way we think .....
6/26/2005 10:05:44 PM
Hello Bogdan, thankyou for inviting me,I have vision now,I was blind for the last four years and really had no choice but to learn how it would be with no vision at all.Thanks to the doctors and God I now have my vision restored with laser eye surgery and Inaugural Lenses put in. I do follow my dream to be successful and hopefully I will succeed,my determination is my driving force ,moving forever forward they are all in place,Bogdan....I wish that you could see the enjoyment that's been placed on my face. :) thanks Bogan,thanks members. regards jeffrey OBrien 114374

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