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Bogdan Fiedur

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Our vision controls the way we think .....
6/26/2005 1:17:35 PM
"Our vision controls the way we think and, therefore, the way we act . . . The vision we have of our jobs determines what we do and the opportunities we see or don’t see." – Charles Koch, Koch Industries Chairman and CEO
Dave Young

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Re: Our vision controls the way we think .....
6/26/2005 1:33:03 PM
Hello Bogdan, So true. No vision, you don't know what you want. Excellent topic. Keep doing what you are doing, keep getting the same results. Thanks for the invite.
Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Our vision controls the way we think .....
6/26/2005 1:40:26 PM
Hello Bogdan,thank you for the invite,You say the visions of our jobs determine what we do and the oppurturtunities we see or dont see: well my real job Is Im a special education teacher for the mentally developed disabled kids for the school district,part time also a personal trainer part time.My job makes me feel like Im making a difference in peoples lives.There eyes shine when I help them,It makes me feel good that I can bring joy into their lives even if its just for a moment,I love what I do,it is very rewarding for me.My networking job is also my baby sort of speaking,I enjoying helping others and talking to people all over the world.thanks,kathy martin
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Amalia Sotiriadou

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Re: Our vision controls the way we think .....
6/26/2005 1:43:07 PM
Absolutely!! The brain has what may be called "selective hearing" capabilities. Like radar it scans the environment and locks into words, phrases ang thoughts that reinforce our vision. Have you ever noticed that you may have gone all your life without noticing, say, a specific car model, yet, when you start thinking about buying it, it seems to pop up everywhere you look? The same is true with things you envision. If you envision success, opportunites to become successful appear to "pop up" out of nowhere. In the same way, your negative feelings make you more aware of the negative feelings of people around you. Several people have stipulated that you can actually "attract" or "magnetize" whatever results you desire in your life, simply by envisioning the outcome. Well, I suppose Charles Koch knows a lot more about that one than I do! Amalia
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Greer Trumble

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Re: Our vision controls the way we think .....
6/26/2005 1:54:36 PM
Hi Bogdan, this one kind of reminds me of the old addage: the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is King!! I always seek to obtain the big picture and develop strategy from there, making use of what's available, either directly or indirectly, learning and applying what i need as i pursue the strategy.
Regards, Greer Trumble _____________ Can you give away an auto responder account?
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