
Bogdan Fiedur

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What I admire in Columbus....
1/12/2007 9:56:17 AM

“What I admire in Columbus is not his having discovered a world but his having gone to search for it on the faith of an opinion.”

– A. Robert Turgot, economist

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John Partington

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Re: What I admire in Columbus....
1/12/2007 10:03:07 AM

Hi Bogdan,

Thanks for another excellent quote, and we could do with some more people in the world with his vision!

Best Wishes


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Re: What I admire in Columbus....
1/12/2007 10:24:17 AM

Dear Bogdan,I always read your forums and quotes that you giving on forums.

This time,I dont evan think any one should loose time with columbo.


Everything that was put on pepper that we call "history"untill know,is done mainly by White man/women.

Day after day siance is catching up with back timing-that we as white human race have build into our file boxes-and it is showing that most of the history is APSOLUTELY HIPED,and writen not as it was??? But-as it suits white people.

I am white,and I'm having extramely hard time(as I learn everyday something new)to exept 90%of history as truth,ore as reality that realy happened.

Whe as White human race are directly responsible,for whatever is going on today on this harsh world.

So-I will like to ask question???did columbos ore any explorer for this matter had a "disire"ore "choise"to go out and explore.

And let's be Clear.No White human bean have discover Americas.

 It was here-People lived here,they still are here.

And only whan we realize that we are NOT better than any other race,and whan whe start respecting every (not just saying it)human bean,as human bean-Maybe just maybe World will be better place to spand our short staying in this EARTH


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Re: What I admire in Columbus....
1/12/2007 11:03:19 AM

Hello Bogdan,

Thank you very much for today's great quote! If we were to stop and think about this we would realize that anyone that discovered anything, or invented something, were all acting on the faith of an opinion. They all had enough faith to feel that either their own opinion, or someone else's, was possible and they wanted to follow through on it to prove it.

Thanks again Bogdan...have a great day!

God Bless,


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Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: What I admire in Columbus....
1/12/2007 11:19:55 AM

Hi Nick,

I agree with you in regards to inaccuracy of the history and of making it up after it already happened.

Columbus discovered America for those who didn't know it existed. And yes this were white people who wrote those books and then conquered the entire continent.

I believe that his times were not as glorious as we are being presented today. I've been to Cuba and Dominican Republic and have seen that there is no aboriginal people there at all. Where did they go one could ask?

The purpose of this quote though is to show that a man committed his life to see what has bee suspected by many.

With today's technology and understanding this seems like a piece of cake but then this was something one could only imagine.

He has committed his life to satisfy his curiosity and passion. I wished that more people had lived their lives as opposed to just making a leaving.

Bogdan Fiedur

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