Hello Veronica
I just checked your site and it is very informative especially you’re Q/A page.
This is the question that really got my attention because cells are continually Replicating.
(10. You told me you have a vitamin to change the body cells is that really true.)
I was very skeptical when I first was told about USANA vitamins.
I have used them everyday for the past year and I believe my body cells have been CHANGED.
When I started taking them I had just recovered from whooping cough.
I was very ill and my blood broke down. I started getting sores on my hands. Homeopathic remedy called Baptisia stopped this problem. But I was still very ill.
I took the USANA vitamins and was very ill on and off for the past year.
I am now able to wake early in the morning and go to bed late.
The ESSENTIALS the mega antioxidant and multivitamin are essential for anyone who wants to stop cancer and aging.
The replicating of the cells begins at inception in the womb at the time when the egg and the sperm unite. From then on the cells will replicate until we die. But here is the catch. What are cells replicating from? The assault to the cells through environmental toxins and Vaccines is detrimental to the development of a fetus. To the point that the DNA of a fetus has been assaulted and changed.
To get a better understanding go here:
So, yes the perfect vitamin can help to detox, cleanse and rebuilt the cells so that as the cells continues to replicate your health and immunity will also be strengthen.
This is extremely important. Not all vitamins are good for you. In fact there are vitamins in the market that will make you sick even cause for you to die at a young age.
Click here for more info
Thanks again Veronica for this great Post
To your health and success