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Critcal Cancer prevention Information To Stop Feeding Cancer
12/11/2006 12:40:29 AM

This is critical information to save lives

You need to know this. Many people with Cancer are not told the Things To Do To Stop feeding Cancer. After seeing the Doctor they will go home and continue to feed the Cancer. In many cases the cancer comes back due to Acidosis (Acidic Blood). It is a proven fact that Cancer can not grow in an ALKALINE BODY. To learn how to increase your pH Alkaline level:

Be sure to go to the end of this document for alternative natural ways to recover from Cancer

Great Recovery Testimonies

Learn more about Glyconutrients Be sure to check on (PhytoMatrix) Vitamins made in Food Form with Minerals harvested from plants (First ever)

Please copy and pass it on to friends and family members:

1- Stop eating sweets and white Sugar. Makes your body acidic and cancer cells thrive in an acidic body. The more alkaline is your body the less likely cancer will survive. To alkaline your body to highest level click here:

2- Do not shower with Tap Water. Chlorine is a carcinogen. Can cause prostate and breast cancer. Get a good shower filter 25 year warranty and removes VOC's MTBE's. Call for more info 1-407-672-6144

3- Do not drink Tap Water. Most water filters will not remove Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOC) are hormone disrupters. The water filters we promote have a 25 years warranty and removes Fluoride.

4- Do not use main stream shampoo. Look out for Ingredients SLS, TEA and DEA. To order carcinogen free products:

5- Do not drink cow's milk. They have been injected with hormones with carcinogen. Check out You can drink Almond Milk.

6- Avoid foods with artificial colors of any kind example:

Dyes -----à Toxic Findings - - Blue 1 ------ Chromosomal Damage - Blue 2 ------ Brain Tumors - Red 3 ------- Thyroid Tumors, Chromosomal damage - Green 3 ---- Bladder Tumors - Yellow 5 --- Allergies, Thyroid Tumors, Lymphomas, Chromosomal damage - Yellow 6 --- Allergies, Kidney Tumors, Chromosomal damage - Red 40 ------ Lymphomas, Lymph Tumors

7- Avoid synthetic sweeteners (excitotoxins). Aspartame, Neotame, Splenda, Sweet N Low, Nutrasweet, Check out the web site: and also

8- Avoid any and ALL types of vaccines. They are all contaminated with carcinogens. The worst is Mercury (Thimerosol) Check this web site:

9- Do not use mainstream TOOTH PASTE. Fluoride and SLS are carcinogens. You want proof? Check out the warning on the label. (POISON?) To get carcinogen free toothpaste:

10- Do not use main stream beauty products. Lipstick, etc…They are loaded with carcinogens.

11- Avoid contact with cigarettes, and if you smoke you need to STOP SMOKING

12- Stop drinking alcohol. You are killing Brain Cells and setting your self up for Cancer.

14- Do not use Mouth Wash with alcohol it is a carcinogen and can coause Cancer in mouth

15- Do not use mainstream Deodorant. It is loaded with carcinogens

16- Do not use Microwave Oven. Cancer News from Johns Hopkins University - Walter Reed Army Medical Center - No plastic containers or plastic raps in microwave. No water bottles in freezer. Dioxin chemicals used to make plastic containers can cause cancer, especially breast cancer. Dioxins are highly poisonous to the cells of our bodies. Don't freeze your plastic bottles with water in them as this releases dioxins from the plastic. Recently, Dr. Edward Fujimoto, Wellness Program Manager at Castle Hospital, was on a TV program to explain this health hazard. He talked about dioxins and how deadly they are for us.

17- Most Bottled water has Fluoride. Do not drink this water. Call Donna 1-407-672-6144 for a water filter brochure removes Fluoride, VOC's MTBE's

18- The Cancer Video - How Glyconutritionals are helping people into better health. Watch video <--- called Pass It On

19- Women need to stop using TAMPONS. The bleaching process contains DIOXIN which contributes to Endometriosis and cervical Cancer. The brand to use is Natracare® 100% natural.

20- Do not use TALK POWDER of any kind unless if it is organic. It has ingredients that can cause cancer. Dr. Samuel Epstein, MD, Founder of the Cancer Prevention Coalition, 1994. ... Authored books Safe Shoppers Bible, Politics of Cancer Revisited.

21- Avoid eating Red Meat and processed meats. Hot Dogs are at the top of the list. Can increase childhood leukemia X6.

22 - Do not sit directly in front of the TV .Sit at least 10 feet away from TV

23 – Stop using the cell phone – Studies done validate that radiation from cell phone use cause brain tumors.

Bottom line, your health right now is what is most important. Prevention is the key to Good Health and Longevity.

Natural supplements that can help to boost immune system and stop Acidosis and recover from Cancer

1- Water pH enhancer

2- Glyconutrients

Referred-Roberto AC

3- Detox from Mercury - Cilantro, Chlorella and Spirulina

4- Acai berries, Mangosteen, Pomegranet and Goji plus over 100 more ingredients (10 In One Formula Liquid Vitamin)

5- Cesium Chloride


7- Magnetic clay for detox

8- Specific Cancer Nutrition

9- B-17 Apricot seed

10- Vitalzym Systemic Enzymes

11- Essiac Tea

12- Dr. Kelly's Metabolic Cancer Cure Diet

13- Dandelion Root – Cut leaves off below crown. DO NOT WASH. Dried at 100 degrees (5 to 6 days) Use clean hammer and frying pan and tap on roots until a fine powder. Mix powder in X20 water enhancer

14- Revici's Natural Cancer Protocol -

May you prosper and be in health as your soul prospers

Keytohealth (Robert)

Re: Critcal Cancer prevention Information To Stop Feeding Cancer
12/24/2006 9:29:19 PM

This is ALL great!  Here it all is folks!  All compiled into one place, to easily find it.

And of course, we'll be adding more to this as time goes along, as we find more great information to continue saving peoples' lives.

Donna Carrillo, co-director
Vaccination Liberation

"Ask me about vaccine exemptions"

Love them, protect them,

Never Inject them.
Diseases caused by vaccine poisons.
Go to:
or call Vaccination Liberation: 1-888-249-1421

Vaccination Liberation
Natalya Restivo

703 Posts
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Re: Critcal Cancer prevention Information To Stop Feeding Cancer
2/24/2007 12:39:58 AM

Hi Roberto,

Thank you for your forum, you are doing a great and very important mission! Your information is priceless. I believe, it takes a huge amount of time, efforts and devotion to collect it.

Today I was surging on Internet and found out that finally official web sites started warning people about harmful products. Actually, this is information that was relieved by Neways 20 years ago. This is information about cancer-causing chemicals found in children's bath products.

"A hidden cancer-causing petrochemical has been found in dozens of children’s bath products and adults’ personal care products, in some cases at levels that are more than twice the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s lenient recommended maximum."

Information about cancer-causing chemicals in kids products:

More info about hazardous products:

All these products are not good for your children. You may ask which products one can use?

Neways has pionereed in making safe, toxin and carcinogen free products. Check out my web site and learn more.

Robert, I wish you much success. I wish also everybody to stay healthy with the products that Robert offers.

Best wishes,


Re: Critcal Cancer prevention Information To Stop Feeding Cancer
2/28/2007 10:27:30 PM

Hello Natalya,


Thanks for your support. I love the Baby picture on your post.


I just did a post about the Hundreds of toxic chemicals found in the umbilical cords of newborns. After reading the document and giving it some thought I realized that every man women and child borne into this world was exposed to the same conditions in our environment and Of the more than 400 chemicals tested for, 287 Toxic Load of Chemicals were detected in the FETUSES umbilical cords blood of  a mother who just had a baby. WOW!


Of the 287 Toxic Chemicals, 180 causes Cancer in humans or animals, 217 are toxic to the brain or nervous system, and 208 cause birth defects or abnormal development in animals. Scientists refer to the presence of such toxins in the newborn as "body burden."


Click to here to Read the complete document: 


Natalya, this is really alarming, and I tell you, so many people are a sleep

And don’t now what is killing their children.


Lets us hope that this information does get out their and people STOP USING TOXIC products and start using organic Natural safe products.



Thanks again for your support


Re: Critcal Cancer prevention Information To Stop Feeding Cancer
12/27/2010 2:42:49 PM

Be sure to watch this online video interview by Dr McDaniels with Cancer survivors that decided to win the Cancer battle.

This is Dr McDaniels personal testimony of people that totally recovered from Cancer and many other diseases. <--- called Pass It On

Here in this link is one Cancer survivor that will just blow you away in a good way. When page loads scroll down to the bottom of page. <------------- Many children recovered from diseases here.

If you want to know more about the supplements you will need to email me at subject (Glyconutrients info please)

Be sure and pass it on.


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