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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Troubleshooting-Situations in Adlandpro
12/26/2006 5:24:54 PM
Bill, You have given credence to my suspicions that all is not well here. That is what this forum is allbout. You have a problem, have followed the proper steps and it is not meeting your needs. Sometimes we have to take a deep breath, remove ourselves from the situation and stay away a few days. Removing people from communications with you and then going on your merry way. Punishment here has not been swift and total. People are warned, power membership removed, and they still come up on my pop ups. The sight of their picture is enough to make one leave here. There are rules broken and the administration knows it but they fail to remove the person(s). In fact they can just set up another account. You are not being negative but very honest. So, good friends jump in and help our friend. Perhaps a private e-mail to offer help. Remember no names here.
Re: How Active Are Members Here In The Community Of AdlandPro?
12/26/2006 5:34:14 PM

Here are the some stats to shed some light on the actual activity here at AdlandPro:

So how people are really active in this community of over 40,000 members?



Only 3 members have over 5,000 posts.

Then there’s one in 4,000-5,000 posts group.

Next, we have 3 people in 3,000-4,000 group.

10 individuals are in the 2,000 range.

We then have 35 members in the 1000 posts range.

And there are 72 members within the 999-365 posts range.


Why did I stop at 365 posts? Because there are 365 days in a year and you would think that folks could at least average one post per day. It doesn’t take that long to make one post. There are only 124 members who have made 365 posts or more. Sad figures… so what can we do about this? What would get people to be more active? What types of forums are the majority of these posts made at?


Well, with the popularity of forums like the POTW, the Shinning Star, the Spotlight, etc. we would have to say that most people are interested in those types of forums. Most people probably come to the community to do business but they stay because of the warm atmosphere they find in the before metioned forums. Sometimes a "Happy Birthday" forum gets more posts then the new "Miraculous Money Making Forum". Why? Is it because people have lost faith in the potential the internet has to make money for them. Is it because everyone is trying to sell but no one is buying? We all buy products every week of our life but why don't we make more of our purchases on the Net? Why don't we buy from our friends here in the community? I have but I don't see the same in return. I think this is why people lose interest in the business part of AdlandPro and only stick around because of the relationships.



John Sanchez

 If I’m not on your friends list please invite me!

John 13:34 (Whole Chapter)
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

John 13:35 (Whole Chapter)
By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."


Mary Hofstetter

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Re: How Active Are Members Here In The Community Of AdlandPro?
12/26/2006 5:47:14 PM
John, Interesting statistics. I have known for a long time that most do not have forums, because I used to try to visit them to get to know them better. Most are here to post ads in ways other than forums. Most do not understand that many come here to see a forum title have to sign in but never do anything with their account. I decided to invite all people from Ohio when I did a series on my State of Ohio. I found of the first 150 people listed that only 10 had friends and not many more had complete profiles. I recieved 2 answers back. One thing that we must realize is that the few good members we have should be precious to us and we should not let distruptive people ruin for the people who are serious about being here. Another thing John, those statistics prove that most are here for friendship. If one is realistic, you will accept that everyone here is trying to sell to someone else here. When that does not happen, what happens??? If your needs are not met, you leave...just like real life.
Joyce Parker Hyde

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Re: How Active Are Members Here In The Community Of AdlandPro?
12/26/2006 5:47:43 PM
I was going to respond to some posts but I lost my connection, went to eat then forgot who had gotten my attention.

I know I liked Crystals-
Maybe a 2 tier membership of some sort where the mentors are there for new members to go to their forums to learn how to post effectively before moving into the larger group-I don't know if this would work.

John your analysis seems to say that fewer than 200 people make posts? I usually post on Sundays to all the ones I missed and wanted to say something to.
I don't like ads in place of personal messages but I think they mean well so I just delete.

Cliques-same as in high school, not too much to do about that, leave them be.

I hang out here for theraputic reasons and have discovered a place to improve my writing skills, thinking skills and learn new stuff. I rarely advertise anything, but I do spend most of my time here-go figure!
Jill Bachman

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Re: Troubleshooting-Situations in Adlandpro
12/26/2006 5:49:49 PM
Hi again Mary,

When you mention your forum on "Web Etiquette" I think we need to make that the #1 FORUM that ALL new Adland member read when they first join!

I just went to the featured forum list (found under the main Forum section) and here is what I see.  What if this list were catagorized into topics, making Web Etiquette at the very TOP of the list, and also included in the Welcome Letter from Adland Admin?  Makes sense to me  :-)

Internet and Profit Newbies in Advisory Panel
Quote of the day in Health and Wellnes
Who's The Spotlight in Power Members
Network Marketing in Power Members
Love our friends in Power Members
Online Security in Power Members
Laughter is Medicine in Power Members
Family, Life, God etc. in Power Members

Although, I know of a few deliberate spammers, I think that for the most part that the majority of people are just unaware of protocol.

What if?.......... a big BOLD message pertaining to ETIQUETTE were posted on the screen immediately following login?  Bogdan.....are you reading......we may have work for you!   :-)

Anything short of that (universal and across the board) might indeed be like batting nats like you say.............!

Cheers again,  Jill
