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Luella May

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Re: Carols for the Disturbed (Nick)
12/20/2006 1:41:19 PM

Hello Bill,

Please don't think that you have offended me.  You did not.  And I don't want to in any way want to offend you.

I have read your entire post.  And I went back and brought the original feelings back to memory.  I see your point. 

I suppose with survivorship, we tend to forget or maybe deny, block, whatever, things

I stand corrected and I am sorry.



Luella May and John Elliott, aka Oaky Wood

Jo Matthias

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Re: Carols for the Disturbed (Nick)
12/20/2006 2:05:12 PM

Hello Again,

My apologies for not reading all the posts here before I posted my lighthearted post. 

Many of you know that I am homebound because of Agoraphobia, I also have a major panic/anxiety disorder and clinical depression.  I have also been diagnosed as being Bi-polar with borderline personality disorder.   I have lived this way for over twenty years, and I must say that if I had been exposed to more humor(humour) over the years, it may be that I could have lived a more 'normal' life.  I agree that it is not good for everyone suffering from a mental illness, but I have found that laughing is indeed good medicine.  I understand Bills trepidation on this subject.  There are days that this type of humor(humour) could be upsetting if I allowed it to be.   It is my opinion that others in my situation might just benefit from the lightheartedness of this forum, see that it is not all bad, that it is sometimes laughable that we are just who we are and because of the laughter we might overcome the problems that we face.

No offense to anyone, just my thoughts on the subject.

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Nick Sym

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Re: Carols for the Disturbed (Nick)
12/20/2006 2:22:05 PM

Hi Kathy!

When I post a forum I always double check to make sure that nobody else has posted the same as I. If there is a post, I always check the date, and if I was second to do so then I will delete my post which is only fare. Anyway, you guys are doing a great job and should be proud of your combined achievements !

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Nick Sym

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Re: Carols for the Disturbed (Nick)
12/20/2006 3:17:43 PM

Jill, there is a Santa for the kids

And a Santa for use special adults


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Nick Sym

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Re: Carols for the Disturbed (Nick)
12/20/2006 5:36:04 PM

Dear Germain

Thank you for stopping in and having a visit. I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back when I get my next post together.

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