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Kathy Hamilton

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12/9/2006 4:21:10 PM
Hello my friends, This is a very real and delicate thread. One of my men friends sent this to me.He is going through Domestic Violence at his home and he has been for several years, Also I know several men here at Adlandpro are also going through it in there marriages and relationships. You know Domestic Violence is not just about the physical part it is about Emotional, mentally and spiritually. Any time your spouse says anything that will hurt you or degrade you or is in a disrespectful tone is some sort of abuse. I am a expert on this topic as I was a victim along with my children but we are not victims any longer we are along with many others are survivors because we chose to walk away and never ever did we look back. So I will be creating a E book on Domestic Abuse and Inspirational Quotes and tid bits for women.I want to be an example to help teach women and men how to empower them selves. So that will be an exciting venture for me to add to my list of amazing accomplishments I have achieved so far. So heres some info for our Men friends. Thank you to my friend who sent this to me. Domestic Violence Against Men It is a widely held assumption that women are always the victims and men are always the perpetrators. Between 50 and 60% of all domestic abuse and violence is against women. There are many reasons why people assume men are never victims and why women often ignore the possibility. For one thing, domestic abuse and violence has been minimized, justified and ignored for a very long time. Women are now more organized, supportive and outspoken about the epidemic of domestic abuse and violence against women. Very little attention has been paid to the issue of domestic abuse and violence against men - especially because violence against women has been so obvious and was ignored for so long. There are no absolute rules for understanding the emotional differences between men and women. There are principles and dynamics that allow interpretation of individual situations. Domestic abuse and violence against men and women have some similarities and difference. For men or women, domestic violence includes pushing, slapping, hitting, throwing objects, forcing or slamming a door or striking the other person with an object, or using a weapon. Domestic abuse can also be mental or emotional. However, what will hurt a man mentally and emotionally, can in some cases be very different from what hurts a woman. For some men, being called a coward, impotent or a failure can have a very different psychological impact than it would on a women. Unkind and cruel words hurt, but they can hurt in different ways and linger in different ways. In most cases, men are more deeply affected by emotional abuse than physical abuse. For example, the ability to tolerate and "brush off" a physical assault by women in front of other men can in some cases reassure a man that he is strong and communicate to other men that he can live up to the code of never hitting a woman. A significant number of of men are overly sensitive to emotional and psychological abuse. In some cases, humiliating a man emotionally in front of other men can be more devastating than physical abuse. Some professionals have observed that mental and emotional abuse can be an area where women are often "brutal" than men. Men on the other hand are quicker to resort to physical abuse and they are more capable of physical assaults that are more brutal - even deadly!. Very little in known about the actual number of men who are in a domestic relationship in which they are abused or treated violently by women. In 100 domestic violence situations approximately 40 cases involve violence by women against men. An estimated 400,000 women per year are abused or treated violently in the United States by their spouse or intimate partner. This means that roughly 300,000 to 400,000 men are treated violently by their wife or girl friend. A Common Dynamic: How Violence ERUPTS There are a number of commonly reported interactions in which violence against men erupts. Here is one example that illustrates a common dynamic. The woman is mildly distressed and upset. The man notices her distress and then worries she may become angry. The woman attempts to communicate and discuss her feelings. She wants to talk, feel supported and feel less alone. She initially attributes some of her distress or problems to him. The man begins to feel defensive, shuts down emotionally and attempts to deal with the problems rationally. He feels a fight is coming on. The woman feels uncared for, ignored and then gets angry. She wants him to share the problem and he doesn't feel he has a problem. The man will attempt to remain unemotional and stay in control of himself. He avoids accepting any blame for how she feels. He is also worried that she may explode at any moment and that she will certainly do so if he talks about his feelings. The man will start talking about her problem as if she could feel better if she would only listen to him and stop acting so upset. He fails to understand how she feels and tries to remain calm. He tells her to calm down and ends up looking insensitive. She begins to wonder if he has any feelings at all. She tells him that he thinks he's perfect. He says he is not perfect. She calls him insensitive. He stares at her and says nothing but looks irritated. The woman is frustrated that he won't reveal his feelings and that he acts like he is in control. On the other hand, the man feels out of control and like there is no room for anybody's feelings in the conversation but hers. Communication breaks down and the woman begins to insult the man. When the man finally expresses his disapproval and attempts to end the fight. The woman becomes enraged and may throw something. The man will usually endure insults and interactions like this for weeks or months. This whole pattern becomes a recurrent and all too familiar experience. The man becomes increasingly sensitive to how the woman acts and becomes avoidant and unsupportive. The man begins to believe that there is nothing he can do and that it may be all his fault. His frustration and anger can build for months ike this. This risk of violence increases when the woman insults the man in front of their children, threatens the man's relationship with his children, or she refuses to control her abusive behavior when the children are present. She may call him a terrible father or an awful husband in front of the children. Eventually he feels enraged not only because of how she treats him, but how her behavior is harming the children. At some point the man may throw something, punch a wall, or slam his fist down loudly to vent his anger and to communicate that he has reached his limits. Up till now she has never listened to what he had to say. He decides that maybe she will stop if she can see just how angry he has become. Rather than recognizing that he has reached his limits, expressing his anger physically has the opposite effect. For a long time the man has tried to hide his anger. Why should the woman believe he really means it? After all, he has put up with her abuse for a long time and done nothing. Instead of realizing that things have gotten out of control, the woman may approach him and say something like, "What are you gonna do. Hit me? Go ahead. I'll call the police and you'll never see your children again." Once he expressed his anger physically, the situation became dangerous for him and for her. The door to violence has opened wide. He should walk away. When he does walk away, she ends up more angry than ever, will scream obscenities at him and strike him repeatedly. She may even strike him with an object. Who Can Help If You Are In An Abusive or Violent Relationship? Help for men who are victims of domestic abuse and violence is not as prevalent as it is for women. There are virtually no shelters, programs or advocacy groups for men. Most abused men will have to rely on private counseling services. Community resources for breaking the cycle of violence are scarce and not well developed.
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Steve Baric

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12/9/2006 4:45:27 PM
It's a sad fact that the US government spends billions advocating and enforcing the VAWA (Violence Against Women Act), while male victims of domestic abuse must seek out privately-operated shelters for help.

Thanks Kathy for bringing this up. I'm a strong proponent of equality in all government systems, especially where men seem to have been painted out of the picture. Remember these facts when the VAWA comes up for review.

Check out and bookmark these sites (especially the second one for your friend):   (the Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women)  (a site dedicated to watchdogging hipcrisy and inequality in government, media, and academics -- the story about the 4-year-old being accused of sexual harrassment for hugging his teacher is especially entertaining).
Steve Baric
Donald Rich

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12/9/2006 4:46:36 PM


Kathy Hamilton

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12/9/2006 6:58:01 PM
Hello Gentleman, Thank you for stopping by and speaking out. It is a problem that is over looked, but I wish there was so much more to help people so they do not have to go through it at all. I wish there was a chip we could plant into each other so when we got upset at one another we could just zapp eachother but zap back to loving instead of fighting.It really is senseless.really theres no point in it.I could really get on a real roll with this topic as it is very sensitive to me but I better go zap myself so I do not get carried away but ya all got my picture of it right????? Thanks,Kathy/
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
The Drummerboy

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12/10/2006 1:15:16 AM
Hi Kathy!  :-)

This is a delicate subject I will do my best to be delicate myself about what I am going to say.  Because I feel that it is important.

First of all........No one can make you feel inferior....or abuse you in any way unless you give them the permission to do so.  Sure I do understand that there can be many factors that are out of one's control and sometimes the "unexpected" does happen.  I am not speaking of those situations.  However, this information will help those gain a positive perspective as well.

I would like to recommend a book.  It's a wonderful book by a gentleman named Don Miguel Ruiz.  The book is called THE FOUR AGREEMENTS.  It NOT a book about domestic violence.  It's a book based upon the princeples on the acient Toltec Wisdom teachings.  Some of you may have heard of this book or the author as he is very noted!

Anyway it goes.....Don teaches about just exactly what reality is and how to "get a grip" on what is real.  Thing is.... it is different for everyone.  But he explains in detail how to find this plane for yourself and how you and you alone are responsible for your reality.  It is you - no one else.

Anyway - I HIGHLY recommend this book to everyone!  If you've loved the movie THE SECRET - you'll love this book!

Have a great weekend everyone!  :-)
~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!


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