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Re: What brings you to Adland? People? Opportunties?
12/7/2006 1:04:07 AM

Hi Gary,


When you sit down and think about it that is exacly what it is.

You get someone starting an MLM type program. They make sure all their buddies with the massive mailing lists get in and signed up before anyone else is told about it.

Then they release the information to all their mailing lists saying "You are the FIRST to be told about this" So these people all rush with CC in hand to get signed up "Before its too late"  meaning if your in first you might make something out of it but some poor suckers are going to loose their money "AGAIN".

The program runs for a while then the cycle happens again they get together and release another program and so it goes on. The abandont the previous program to its own devises and start heavy promtion on the next one.

They really do not care. that their downlines that they promised to help are left out of pocket every time.

Hence my reference to the bones of dead downlines, and you are right  your visualisation is right on the mark.



Re: What brings you to Adland? People? Opportunties?
12/7/2006 1:50:39 AM

As ever Linda asks interesting questions, and Hi Gary good to see you again - like yourself I just pop in from time to time myself nowadays.

For a long time I have felt that the true strength of Adland COULD be (it isn't yet) a true and valid forum that many likeminded people could enjoy - notably with others around the world - which could only be a good thing.

Using it on that basis I would suggest the Bogdan sell the site for advertising purposes and make himself some serious money.  It wouldn't bother me to see legitimate businesses advertising on the site - IF we could get rid of the SHOUTING scams and MLM capers that still infest ít. Think I am wrong? then look at the visual bellowing taking place on John Sanchez site offering postings for businesses there.  Total turn-off.

In answer to the question as presented though.  I gave up Adland as a place to do any business - too many taking (selling) and nobody listening (buying).  That's fair enough as that was what the site was set up for.  It's also why basically I left it - apart from the Ranting Reinhardt who I needed like a hole in the head, and if the posting about the Da Vinci Code doesn't stop seeping through despite attempts to blog the dam' thing - I will cancel out completely!

As for learning - well there are some things that are worth reading, but as a 50 year plus marketing professional in the real world, I fear a lot of crap is also being peddled by people who know zero about business.  People are being blinded by online technobabble and spurious promises.

However on the reverse side there ARE genuine people out there, but I suspect they are drifting away as the value of the site as presented is diminishing.

Ok end of my sermon for the day (again). Gary - if you want a bit of a laugh, there is an interview with me appearing in B & T, the main advertising magazine in Australia appearing on December 15th.  Mainly about my books and time in Oz.

Back to my Picture Books production now - 1 down and four on the stocks!  Busy busy!

Can I ask here as well for anyone who would like to get a credit in my book on Cigarette packaging?  This will be a pure picture book and I am looking to get images of old or new of cigarette packs from any and all countries.  Any help would be appreciated.





Norm Clark
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Re: What brings you to Adland? People? Opportunties?
12/7/2006 2:11:51 AM

Hi Linda, I'm here because I love to make people smile!

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Re: What brings you to Adland? People? Opportunties?
12/7/2006 3:28:08 AM

Hello Bj and Howdy Norm,

Against my better judgement I have come back here to answer you guys.

Bj - please forgive me but I'm just not doing the friendship thing here at Adland any more. The whole thing was totally abused by the unscrupulous "bone pickers" that we spoke of. Not that I am including you in that group - far from it. The same abusers also abused the "Personal Message" board - full of "Join my latest new crappy idea" stuff. Total waste of time. Sorry, I just tell it as I see it.

If you want to see what I really think about MLM you should go and have a look at the MLM thread on this (Linda's) forum. If you troll through you will locate it. Maybe Linda will be kind enough to put the link in. I can't be fagged looking for it.

But... brace yourself - there must be 100 pages of it. And... prepare for missiles, grenades, kevlar helmets, flak jackets and all that sort of stuff. It was basically me against the rest of the MLM world. I tried to make it entertaining by turning it into WWIII.

Norman - I'll keep my eye out for that magazine. B&T huh?

"For a long time I have felt that the true strength of Adland COULD be (it isn't yet) a true and valid forum that many likeminded people could enjoy - notably with others around the world - which could only be a good thing.

I agree with you. It could be just that. Sadly, there are way too many predators and snipers.

"IF we could get rid of the SHOUTING scams and MLM capers that still infest ít. Think I am wrong? then look at the visual bellowing taking place on John Sanchez site offering postings for businesses there.  Total turn-off.

Heh! I couldn't agree more. I think Mr Sanchez showed himself up when he totally abused, ridiculed and denigrated some poor guy for having an opposing view on the Iraq war. Georgiou somebody-or-other. Georgiou acted like a gentleman throughout but was howled down at everything he said. That turned my guts to read some of that. I hope it has been wiped off. I guess it probably has because it didn't show the "Goodwill Ambassador" in a very good light.

"Ranting Reinhardt who I needed like a hole in the head..."

Actually, I really enjoy a good RANT - so long as it is well thought out. I don't even mind if the subject matter is 100% diametrically opposed to my point of view. I can appreciate a well crafted position and presentation. You can learn things from that. You don't learn anything from the abusers except, I guess, not to be like them.

What I don't enjoy is public name-calling and slandering just because some boofhead disagrees. And I really detest scams such as HYIPS, Ponzi schemes and the like being touted as some sort of legitimate business opportunity. They're not. And they haven been proven to be illegal. But the promoters only want quick profits. They don't care. There is FAR too much of that going on around here. All the evidence they offer is: "Believe me because I believed someone else." That doesn't make anything legal or ethically true.

"However on the reverse side there ARE genuine people out there, but I suspect they are drifting away as the value of the site as presented is diminishing.

Too true. Look at all the quality people who have deserted Linda's site. I used to enjoy coming here but, like I said, the boofheads and the scammers just ruin it for all the information seekers. Truly, I don't know how Linda keeps offering her valuable time and advice to so many people who just refuse to listen.

 Norm, "B & T magazine?" I'm not familiar with it. Bondage and...?

Thanks you guys for making some good comments.


Re: What brings you to Adland? People? Opportunties?
12/7/2006 9:24:08 AM
Hi Linda,

I remain at adland because I believe in the power of "little things"

The small number of people who know that you can care about others and it doesn't mean that you care less about yourself.

The small nuggets (few and far between) of real genuine insight that helps those who are willing to be helped.

The opportunity to contribute something to  a genuine question.

The opportunity to learn from those who have something worth sharing and in return hope that the things I share will help some one. 

Getting back to the power of "little things", if my time here at Adland has helped even one person then it was time well spent.

"If I can help someone as I journey along, then my living has not been in vain"

Wishing you all much joy on your online journey.

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