Hey - can I add my wife's superpowers in this?
She too is the most selective shopper I know. She can unerringly find the most expensive item in the shop as soon as she enters the place. Doesn't buy - but knows exactly where it is!
Next superpower is that she can hear a sparrow f---t at 50 paces! I know that as I delicately float my 100 kgs off the bed at 5.00am, drift lightly across the floor, ever-so-delicately lift the latch, and cruise like a butterfly out of the room - she will ALWAYS say "where are you going now?!"
She maintains that my description of early-a.m. movements are more like an earth-digger starting up - but what would she know? - just hyper-sensitive hearing that's all.
Scruff has superpowers as well - again in the hearing department - he can hear his food bowl being filled from outside the house, and in a field 250 meters away (that is unless he is murdering mice at the time).
My final superpower is always knowing when I am in deep trouble with 'she who must be obeyed'. I usually don't know why, but when the vacuum cleaner starts hitting my feet - I know! I know!