Good day Bogdan and greetings to all members, friends, and several new brothers and sisters here at AdLandPro, the greatest community on the web today!
I am sure many of you have heard the saying, "Guilt by association" and have also heard the saying, "Your reputation can make you or break you." Not only are these saying TRUE in everyday life, but you will find they have an even a greater effect in the realm of business!
Think about it, when a company gets investigate, no only do they get look at, but any other companies that have close associations will also be closely scrutinized. Having several family members in the realm of law enforcement I can tell you this is also true in personal dealings.
On the other hand, take a look at the many marketing gurus out there. A great deal of them were total unheard ofs till they become associated with highly respect Internet members such as Mark Joyner, Mike Gillespe, Bogdan Fiedur, and so on.
So learn this lesson well!
Also are you aware that one of the many benefits of being a member at AdLandPro is that you have the ability to surround yourself and/or become associated with Men (and Ladies) of the highest caliber such as; Kathy Martin, Sunny Lim, Eileen Harvey, John Cox, Michael Rodgers, Linda Peregory, Julia Youngblood, Robin Fagan, and some many more I just can't list them all (My apologizes to any that might feel slighted by not being listed).
You have the greatest opportunity to develop all the skills that are need for true success right here at your finger tips if you only use it.
So my advice, become active in the community, read and responsibly post at the forms, give help to any that might need it, and above all share what has actually worked for you.
Wishing you the Happiest and Healthiest of days filled with Love and Prosperity,
Dr Bob
PS I will accept all invitation of friendship as I have yet to meet the man (or woman) that I cannot learn at least one thing from.