
Robert Talmadge

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Re: It matters not what a person is born...
11/17/2006 12:36:23 PM
If you look at Count Leo Tolstoy, or Benjamin Franklin or any of a number
of people throughout history, you will see a person who has "broken
the mold". What I mean is, that they were no longer the person
they were born into.

In each case, the person changed about themselves what they did
not like, and became a different, but better person. This may seem
like nonsense to the average person, but the people I mentioned
were not average, were they?

Thank you Bogden. You are one of the few who know what I am
talking about. You are different. From your previous works, I can
see a different person than what I see in your current writing.
You have become different, somehow better as you have grown
into a positive role model for many people.

Take a look at my writing. Except for the occasional insanity
(I plead guilty your honor) I have become different in just
the last year I have been at Adland Pro.

Now the trick is, how do we do this?

Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.
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Phillip Black

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Re: It matters not what a person is born...
11/17/2006 3:05:35 PM

Hi Bogdan,

Our Creator endows each of us with Free Will.  It provides the opportunity to choose to be whatever we want to be, and it also brings with it the duty to accept responsibility for our own choices and actions.  Unfortunately, many have forgotten that part of the Gift.

Have A Blessed Weekend,

Phil Black

“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
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Bea Souza

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Re: It matters not what a person is born...
11/17/2006 6:32:24 PM

Thanks a bunch, Bogdan for another great quote. Everyday we get to choose how to make a difference in our lives. Each choice makes us who we are.

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Re: It matters not what a person is born...
11/17/2006 6:59:01 PM

This is true, but parents can help by putting positive thinking into their children.

A. Shirley Manion

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Re: It matters not what a person is born...
11/17/2006 7:50:03 PM


Did you ever open a can of worms!

The next time a person tells you that they are a certain way, has a habit, or lifestyle because it is in their genes, ask them to trace back and tell you which realitive they got the gene from.

You hit on but (whom) they choose to be.

The fact is every person born with the volition of choice and they have the right to choose what they want to be.

I guess a thief, murderer, could say that they they are like they are because of their genes.



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