
Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: Accept complete responsibility....
11/12/2006 7:24:49 PM

Hi Neil,

I'm glad that you disagree on topic which has nothing to do with religion.

I respect Brian Tracy immensely. He has been instrumental  in my own growth and changed my thinking shortly before I have started this business. Maybe this is why I started it.


“Accept complete responsibility both for understanding and for being understood.”

Real leaders take total responsibility for what happens in their lives and what happens to others while they are in the picture. They never blame anyone for errors and don't make accusations. They always assume responsibility if under their watch wrong things happen.

In order to be able to take responsibility for everything what happens to such person's life, one has to ensure that their message is fully understood. They also have to understand the situation in which they find themselves, the circumstances and people they work with so the ideas they trying to implement are reasonable and implementable and serve those who are implementing them.

They also have to be able to look for feedback to ensure that what they understand is understood at different levels and check for this consistently. Adjust their thinking if new elements and situation requires that. Be able to admit that changes to one's thinking are necessary and adjustments have to be done along the path.They are open to criticism and always ask for it. They put their ego in the closet.

The statement is coming down to "good leadership ".

So understand what you are trying to change, and be understood how the changes should be implemented.

When you are successful on both levels you are a great leader.


Bogdan Fiedur

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Neil Reinhardt

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Re: Accept complete responsibility....
11/12/2006 8:04:29 PM
I disagree and I have been a leader in civilian life and in the military. I was promoted to be a leader in both of them due to the way I led. (In civilian life, they had to hire TWO people to do what I had been doing as a leader for years.) NO one can be responsible for something which happens to others over which they had NO CONTROL and/or had NO WAY of knowing would ever happen. To say a leader should have is some type of "pie in the sky" and "Alice in Wonderland" BS only illogical & un-realistic people would come up with. AGAIN, YOU ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THINGS OVER WHICH YOU HAVE NO CONTROL! On the other hand, YOU ARE TOTALLY responsible for how you deal with the results of what ever happened. Neil
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Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: Accept complete responsibility....
11/12/2006 10:25:25 PM


You have summed it up and I agree with you.

YOU ARE TOTALLY responsible for how you deal with the results of what ever happened. 

It has been determined through research that only 20% of what happens to us has influence on our lives. The other 80% is how we respond to it.

It is your reality and you will have to live with the consequences of your actions.

The consequences will be that you will be accepted or condemned, cherished and respected or hated and avoided.

In the end, there is no right or wrong, there are only consequences.

Coming back to the quote of the day, you have just used different words to say the same thing.

By saying that being totally responsible for how you deal with the results, you have taken 80% of responsibility for yourself and the surrounding world because the way you see the surrounding world is only your way of seeing it. e.g.  mine is different as you know.

Deepak Chopra  said in one of his latest books.

"You are not in the world. The world is in you. "

and I agree with it and I hope you can relate to it.

Bogdan Fiedur

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Neil Reinhardt

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Re: Accept complete responsibility....
11/21/2006 6:43:58 PM
Come on Bogdan, it is NOT the same thing at all! The quote says you take responsibility for EVERYTHING which happens to you and/or those you lead. What I said is you take responsibilty for how YOU HANDLE what has happend. They are NOT THE SAME at all! Neil
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Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: Accept complete responsibility....
11/21/2006 7:34:47 PM

I believe you misunderstood the quote.

“Accept complete responsibility both for understanding and for being understood.”

There is nowhere in the quote that you take responsibility for those you lead.

The quote directs you to take full responsibility for both communication ends. No matter who is wrong, you will be bearing the consequences one way or another if there was a miscommunication.
It is always better for you if you ensure that both ends of communication are working properly.

As a veteran you know that it is not enough to send message over the wires/air during the conflict but also have confirmation that message has been received.



Bogdan Fiedur

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