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Re: Work from home???
12/13/2006 2:49:52 AM

Hi Maurice;

Thanks for the negativity. It kinda makes my day .

What negativity? I don't see any negativity? Unless you are feeling negative?
As for me, I am only having a conversation.

For that matter, I give you kudos for being able to *have* a conversation. Many people come in, post ads and never come back to reply. I deleted two of those today already. So, already I see you are not of that sort. So, what negativity?

Obviously you did not take the time to go take a close look at Agloco .
They are not saying their the next Google . I am saying they could be the next Google and they are in fact a bit similar .

Actually, I did go look at them. There is no similarity to Google at all. Google is a search engine. They were a search engine long before they sold PPC advertising based on search. The toolbar Google offers lets people conduct Google searches from a toolbar in their browser. The toolbar Agloco offers is advertising right in the toolbar.

The fact that they both use a toolbar doesn't make their business model similar. That would be like saying you wear a shirt and you are a man.... I wear a shirt, therefore I must also be a man.

Google isn't saying "hey, we sell ads in a view bar and we'll pay you..."
Aglogo is.

As to suggesting people signup before I'm making money, how do you think Google got started anyway . Two pennyless kids who had a vision and some investors that believed in their vision. I'm sure they had to test their product and get advertising signups as well before making any money .

Well, you're right that it was started by two college kids. Other than that - not so much. Google launched in 1996 as a non-virtual site. They incorporated the company from a friend's garage and registered their domain ( in 1998. They did not start selling PPC advertising until 2000 - at which time their company already had a net worth of over 1 million dollars.

So, no, they didn't test their product and get 'sign-ups' before making money.

Oh and Linda, thanks for the advice on my reputation . I think it's just fine .

Why so defensive? I did not attack your reputation. Here is what I said;

...if I may make a recommendation - before you suggest "joining up" to anyone else, make sure a program is actually working, paying you and legal. A reputation, once ruined, is hard to earn back.

Do you think that's bad advice? Or good advice?

I have been online 10 years. I have seen many, many people ruin their own reputations by recommending programs and products too quickly, without due diligence - that turned out to cause huge losses or were illegal ponzis.

I am not sure if you were aware of the 12 daily pro fiasco, but it's a perfect example. Many people here were telling their friends to hurry, get in on it. Sign up, sign up. Posting links and ads all over the place.

Now that 12DP has been found to be an illegal ponzi, the federal government (SEC) is investigating all the people involved. They have a list of every person that signed up - and are starting at the top and working downwards to determine who was a victim and who made capital gains from an illegal ponzi. The IRS is also waiting to see who made unclaimed income. They estimate it could take up to 2 years to work through all the names.

When I advise people to do their due diligence and know what they are joining, that it is legal and that it actually earns them money before they suggest other people also join - I think that's pretty solid advice. I'm sorry you disagree.

: )

P.S. For Kathy - no need to supervise or intervene. We are grown ups here and can surely have a business related conversation without the bickering that goes on in some of the other forums. *wink*



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