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Re: Work from home???
12/11/2006 10:22:19 PM


Susanne said...
sorry I forgot to say I don't have a credit card so I guess I'm screwed huh?

No. You're not. Actually, if you HAD a credit card, you'd probably be *screwed* more than not having one. Because,if you had one, you'd buy into all the "internet marketing, how to make money from home" crap out there.

When I got online in 1995, I didn't have a credit card, either. I was a single mother, lost everything to pay the lawyers for my divorce - had no credit rating, my house was up for sale and I didn't qualify for a credit card.

You know what that made me do? It made me ask myself what I can learn to DO for people that they would be willing to pay money for. Because that's what business is about. It's about trading money for something that people think is worth their money.

Too many people are ponying up their VISA number hoping some guru can show they how to make more money than they're paying for the "secrets"

Success is not a secret. Success is what other people give you because of what YOU gave them.


Maurice said...
Since the Agloco tool bar is still in Beta testing, I don't believe anyone is making money yet . I have decided to signup for it because in theory, I strongly believe it should work... (snipped) Linda, all I figure is that if it costs nothing and it won't take up any extra time online then I spend now, I have nothing to loose by trying it.  I hope this answers your question.

Yes, actually you answered my question just the way I thought you would.

Like many people online, you are promoting and recommending a program that you "believe" will make money, but has - in fact - made you NO money. You believe it will make you money because the creators and everyone else that has jumped on the bandwagon SAY it will make money. Of course they're going to say that. That's how they rope people in.

For starters, they are hawking this as "The Next Google" - which is red flag number one. Agloco's business model is NOTHING like Google's business model. But just saying "like Google" is enough to make everyone get excited.

And, if you think you have nothing to lose by trying something because it's free, that's an error. The "thing" you have to lose is the most precious commodity you have. TIME.

If we lose money, we can get it back. Time - once spent - can never be regained.

There are two things in life you can not get back once you lose them.
Your time. Your health.

Think about that carefully. And - if I may make a recommendation - before you suggest "joining up" to anyone else, make sure a program is actually working, paying you and legal. A reputation, once ruined, is hard to earn back.

: )


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Re: Work from home???
12/11/2006 10:26:55 PM
Hello my friend, Yes heres a link you can check out and make money from home watching seminars and they pay you you do not pay them I love it, tell Dan kathy Hamilton sent you, kathy/
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Re: Work from home???
12/12/2006 3:34:49 PM


It looks like you have a number of work from home projects already.  Avon, I've heard of for years and stuff a friend I just saw recently at a craft show. I don't know what your other url is for but why don't you work a little more at them instead of spreading yourself too thin. The lady I saw with the stuff a friend at the craft show was selling a number of them and that is just in our small town.

All craft shows wouldn't let you in with buy and sell but most of the small ones around our area would and it is probably the same for your area.

You need to get your url's live too.

Heed Linda's advice and keep plugging away.


Re: Work from home???
12/12/2006 6:53:27 PM
Well Linda,

Thanks for the negativity. It kinda makes my day .

Obviously you did not take the time to go take a close look at Agloco .
They are not saying their the next Google .

I am saying they could be the next Google and they are in fact a bit similar .

As to suggesting people signup before I'm making money, how do you think Google got started anyway .

Two pennyless kids who had a vision and some investors that believed in their vision.
I'm sure they had to test their product and get advertising signups as well before making any money .
If I remember correctly, the internet was only supposed to be a fad but, many multi-millionaires seem to have surfaced and the Google boys are just two of them .

Oh and Linda, thanks for the advice on my reputation .
I think it's just fine .

Everything starts from zero and then builds starting with one !

Just like Steve Jobs taught us - "Keep Thinking Outside The Box!"
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Re: Work from home???
12/12/2006 7:03:50 PM
Now now Children, mothers here,both of you say sorry,Lets play nice or no cookies for desert. Ok The only important thing is is that we are all advertising our presence her and Marketing our Identity. We are all different,What works for one doesnt always work for another.The concepts are all amazing. like google or myspace everyone has a vision and with the proper vision passion and drive and determination all things have equal promise.One can not say one wont make money or succeed if the vision is kept on task,I believe if you work and support the company it will succeed. Now you each have your own thought so leave it to you are each soecial in your own ways.No one can clearly say if one will or not work over another.Now play nice.I will be back,Kathy/
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking

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