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Work from home???
11/6/2006 4:43:51 PM

I'm looking for a work from home that there is NO SELLING, can anyone help me???


Re: Work from home???
11/6/2006 10:34:01 PM

Hi Susanne,

One of the business opportunities I am in doesn't require you to sell anything. But it does involve some work on the internet and there will be someone helping you.

If you are interested, why not visit my site at

See you inside

Iqramedia BizSolutions
"Your success is our business"


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Re: Work from home???
11/7/2006 2:37:28 AM

Hi Susanne;

I'm looking for a work from home that there is NO SELLING, can anyone help me???

If you are okay with being lied to, I am sure many people will show you their "offers" and "opps" and tell you there is no selling. But, if you want the truth, no, no one can help you make money without selling something. 

There are lots of ways to make money.

- You can win it (ie; lottery) but the odds are pretty low
- You can marry it, which
only is possible if you are single, though.
- You can rob/steal it, but the risks & repercussions are potentially high
- You can inherit it, but only if you have an old, wealthy relative that likes you
- You can earn it.

If you choose to earn it, you can be in sales, production, support, or management.
Sales is out because you don't want to sell. 

If you choose production or support services, that means you need a job where you create the product or offer some kind of customer service and someone else does the selling. If you choose management, you need to start a business and figure out who will do the selling so you don't have to.

The link that Azlan posted for you is Success University. It's network marketing/MLM. Which is not a problem... I am not anti-MLM. However, most people that hate selling don't do well in MLM.

After all, you will have to convince people to sign up under you. That's a kind of selling. You are selling the "opp" as well as yourself as the upline. And if the people you recruit  don't like to sell either, you won't make anything off their sales. Any percent of zero sales is still zero.

A lot of people have the mistaken idea that MLM/NWM is great for those who don't like to sell.  They think they can just recruit and sign up others and then make money off their downline. That's not even remotely close to reality. The people I know that make money in MLM/NWM are the ones that know how to sell. Aggressively, usually.

Fact is, if I *do* know how to sell, and you *don't* know how to sell, I'm never going to sign up under you because I can TELL you can't sell by the methods you use to recruit. So, those that can't sell usually just end up recruiting more people that don't know how to sell and none of them make any money.

If you hate selling, my advice is to look for support type work that you can do. For example, as a virtual secretary. Or proof reader. Or any other such 'support' position that you are qualified to do. Qualification is the important part. You must first assess what you are qualified to charge money for. Then you just need to sell your skillset to someone... but at least you only need to do that once. 

Good Luck!

Re: Work from home???
11/7/2006 2:52:48 AM

That is a great posting by Linda. She is an expert. :D

You can also make money giving advice as in

But the fact is ,Susanne, we are buying and selling ideas every moment in our life.

 The reason why I refer you to the Success University is because some of the stuff you learn there can pay off loads in your other business or if  you are keen, you can also depend on the whole team to help you build the business.

To be honest, I just joined my team at SuccessUniversity and I have already earn $40 residual income in my first month. Please don't laugh..but $40 can mean alot to some people.


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Re: Work from home???
11/7/2006 2:59:23 AM

Ok Susanne,

Please tell us your skillset. Maybe we can help get some ideas for you to work with. Any special talent..Interest..etc

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