Johnathon: First, I understand completely your feelings about debt. My education has left me with over $70,000 in debt -- and I went to school as a musician! You can imagine how hard it is to look at that much debt with the realities of the type of profession I've chosen. And it did crush me, and almost destroyed my marriage (ok, some of that is my wife's education too, but the biggest part of it is mine). It has kept us from getting a mortgage for a house, or buying a new car, or even just enjoying some of the things we really enjoy. But as far as debt goes, there are only two things you can do: Spend less, or make more. That's it in a nutshell. If you are making enough to make your minimum payments, you can probably afford to find a few extra dollars a month to get beyond that and make better payments (usually by doing without things like meals out or movies, like we did). I know your problem is with credit card debt, so maybe someone can offer to go in with you on this. There's a software package we've used successfully to put ourselves on a debt reduction plan. In fact, what it does is it sorts out all our bills, then determines the best way to pay them off in the shortest amount of time. Using this software, we put together a debt repayment plan that will reduce our repayment time from 72 years (no, I'm not joking!) to just six, without increasing the amount of our monthly payments. The cost for an individual is $39.95 (this is not a sales pitch...I get no commission for's a genuine recommendation for a product that really does work). Here it is:, as for your other problems, I've mentioned this before and I'll say it again: mental illness that gets to the point where it affects your work and relationships is nothing to be trifled with. You MUST see a professional. Now you've stopped eating, which is only going to spiral your problems (malnutrition has a serious impact on ALL system functions, not just your weight). Please please please see your doctor immediately. You sound like your condition is becoming quite serious, and you need help.