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Pauline Raina

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Re: Dance with my father again !
6/18/2007 1:28:57 PM
Hello Clarissa,
I see you are new to Adland, welcome here, hope you are liking it around here.

Thankyou for taking the time to come join us, and your kind words too.


Sam Sunday

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Re: Dance with my father again !
8/29/2007 7:12:11 PM

Hello Pauline,

Your story reminds me of one of those youthful good times I enjoyed with my Mama of sweet memory. I had just returned from one of those soccer playing sessions in a nearby school with dislocated right knee. I was so sure I was going to get some hard knocks from here as she wasn't ever happy with my playing the game. But to my greatest and pleasant suprise, she didn't raise a voice at all, instead she lovingly reminded me that I should always take extra care when playing the game. She prepared warm water and used it to dab the swollen knee afterwhich, she started telling me some very interesting, funny and inspiring stories. I could remember how I laughed myself to sleep that night and the next morning the pains were gone and my swollen knee was healed. She later told me she worked on the knee after I had fallen asleep.

Yeah !! It is great to enjoy our loved ones to the fullest. The memory is just wonderful.

Thanks for a great story and for sharing.

Pauline Raina

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Re: Dance with my father again !
9/17/2007 8:19:27 AM
Hi Sam,

Im glad you came and shared, and  Ithankyou for this beautiful post,

 yes Mom's are so special aren't they !!!! Dads no less either :-)

Blessings to you Sam

Pauline R

Pauline Raina

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A Tribute to My Father !!!
2/24/2008 10:31:52 AM
Dear friends,

As you all know that exactly 3 weeks ago my Dad passed on to Glory.

It was a sad day for me, but I'm learning everyday that life goes on, and the memory of him will always live in my heart.

On Oct; 31st of 2006 I shared with you all one such special moment, thats on the main page of this thread. I have many such as these to look back in nostalgia, and know how blessed I was by his life.

The things he had taught me...not just by word but by action, impacted my life tremendeouly. He would say ..... "dont say this and that about your self....just 'BE'  ".... " you will impact all those around you more by your action than by your words...! "How true is that !Actions do speak louder than words..!!! Being a man of great faith he taught me...' to say you have faith and not live it, was hypocrisy.' So he taught me active faith.. and as a result of that, Ive seen many a miracle in his life with issues of his health.  Well  I could go on  and on about my  old man, but I won't,  you all have guessed already how attatched to him I was.  It is a real struggle to get used to the idea of not having him around;  but  I will  in time. 

Here are a few pictures I'd like to share with you all.

                               Albert E Porter  1920.....2008

             with a buddy on duty                       dancing with Mom the luv of hislife!

                My Dad
                                    taken a few years ago

Thank you all for all the  prayers and moral support you have been  to me . What would I do with out all you Adlandpro friends..!!!!

Be blessed always

Your friend always

Pauline R

Carla Carey

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Re: A Tribute to My Father !!!
2/24/2008 10:45:47 AM

Yes as time goes on it will get a little easier ! I haven't lost my parents yet but know it will be hard for me ... He is with Jesus you can rest assured.
May God's Spirit give you His rest and peace!
In Christ,
Carla :)

Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey

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