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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Dance with my father again !
2/24/2008 3:03:16 PM
Greetings Pauline, thank you for your invite today, i came home from teaching a lesson to my church on just that, action in a possitive way, Acts 3:1-10. The Apostle Peter was a doctor by trade, him and John both were going up to the temple to pray, a man carried to the temple courts called beautiful, ( had a big murial of the metropolis out on the wall just before coming in) was crippled since birth and was put there to beg for money everyday, he asked Peter and John for money, Peter looked striaght at him, as did John. Then Peter said, "Look at us!" So the man gave them the attention, expecting to get something from them. Then Peter said, Silver or gold I do not have, but what i have i give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk." The People were amazed at seeing that same man begging for money , now is walking, jumping and carrying on with joy. I told you this story Pauline so you'll know and truly understand the power in faith you have built for yourself, God is there all the time sometimes it takes longer for some to notice. God is working through you sister Pauline by acts and by action, he's taken your heart and given you something no one can and thats the miracle of understanding, his true meanings of the Bible (book). No one can walk in your same shoes and no one can take the love of God away, hard times are meant for us to see His glory in action (why) because it makes us closer to Him and if you go to prayer in the hard times you will go to Him in the good times as well. Love you Pauline my faithful sister in Christ. Thomas.
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Re: Dance with my father again !
2/24/2008 3:04:52 PM
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Nick Sym

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Re: A Tribute to My Father !!!
2/24/2008 4:21:56 PM
Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
Robert Coaster

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Re: A Tribute to My Father !!!
2/24/2008 4:32:20 PM

Hi Pauline,

My condolances on your Dad's passing. It is heartwarming to read the earlier posts in this thread & glad you got time to spend quality moments like that with your Dad the past few years. My Dad passed away when i was 10 years old at the age of 57.

The past few months with my families illnesses & injuries have taught me how precious the time is spent with them.

Take care,



Pauline Raina

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Re: A Tribute to My Father !!!
2/25/2008 10:24:10 AM
Dear Sis Carla,

thank you for that beautiful scripture.


much luv

Pauline R

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