
Hardin Monie'

431 Posts
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Re: Nurture your mind with great thoughts...
11/28/2006 4:49:51 PM
The aphorism, "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he," not only embraces the whole of a man's being, but is so comprehensive as to reach out to every condition and circumstance of his life. A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts. As the plant springs from, and could not be without, the seed, so every act of a man springs from the hidden seeds of thought, and could not have appeared without them. This applies equally to those acts called "spontaneous" and "unpremeditated" as to those which are deliberately executed.
As a man thinketh in his heart so is he, may I add, as he continues to think so he remain.
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Re: Nurture your mind with great thoughts...
11/28/2006 8:00:41 PM
Lol I'm not sure I would be much help
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Neil Reinhardt

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Re: Nurture your mind with great thoughts...
12/14/2006 5:57:58 AM
Bogdan, You said: 1. "At the time when 100% population believed that sun revolves around the earth there was nobody saying otherwise." AND 2. "On the other hand since beginning of humanity there were people who believed there is no god and people who believed that there is one. Bogdan, How do You KNOW that: A. 100% population believed the sun revolved around the earth? And B. "There was nobody saying otherwise." ? BOTH of those are only assumptions on your part and you have no way of knowing if either of them is true. And as far as there being people who believe there is no god, WHY would they do that? Could it be because there is insufficient proof for anyone who has not been programmed to believe? Yes, that IS the reason! IF there was a REAL god (or gods) it would BE THEIR FAULT there are any Atheists at all! All a god (or gods) has to do is make a them- selves as apparent to all as the sun is. Surely an ALL Powerful god could do that! An true ALL Knowing god should be both kind enough and intelligent enough to know making themself fully apparent like the sun is, would end a lot, if not all, the blood shed believers have inflicted on non-believers for as long as there has been recorded history. The reasons there are many more religious people is simply because: A. Many people need a church and a belief in god provides that. B. Religions & religious people PROGRAM their children to be religious from the time they are babies. (or before) Like the Catholic Church says: "Give me a child until the age of six and they are mine forever." ALL religions PROGRAM their children! (If they did not, there would not be very many religious people as religion has no chance against knowledge, logic and science.) C. In general, religious people have MANY more children than do non- religious people. D. Many more religious people kill many more non-religious people than vice versa. I do not know about non-believers having killed believers ONLY because of their being believers while I know of many cases where believers have killed non-believers ONLY because they did not believe. One case of that just happened in the U.S. this year. (2006) So of course, there are more believers than there are non-believers.
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Re: Nurture your mind with great thoughts...
12/16/2006 4:23:22 PM

History had shown us that great discoveries, inventions and achievements are the direct results of the great minds ~ great individuals with great thoughts. Take for example, Thomas Edison who had given us lasting light in times of darkness.

Bogdan, this is a great quote.

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Re: Nurture your mind with great thoughts...
12/17/2006 4:37:17 AM



To support your statement about great discoveries and great minds here is one of the most exciting discoveries of this age.


This is really a huge phenomenon about water that has bin revealed to a very humble man Dr. emoto.


As you read and look at these macro clustered water pictures think of how our bodies are made, and the fact that our bodies are over 70% water. ( After reading this you may want to Watch you say)


Quantum physics describes laws of energy at the quantum level (a "quanta" or discrete particle can be a molecule, atom, nucleus, or micro particle). Discoveries in quantum physics (micro world) are helping us to understand the phenomena of our macro water world. The MRA is able to measure, for the first time, quanta in micro levels smaller than molecules. This allowed Dr. Emoto to discover why diseases occur.


He expressed his findings in his first two books, Prelude to the Hado Era (1992) and Studies of the Human Through Hado (1994). According to Dr. Emoto, Hado is a vibrational frequency, resonance wave--it is the source of energy behind the creation of all things.


**NOTE*** Each picture was exposed to the written word placed on a glass of water and later samples of the water was taken and photo graft.

Amaizing Grace


Frozen water from fojihara dam Before Prayer 


 Frozen water from fojihara dam After Prayer



Expose to heavy Metal Music


Distilled water exposed to Enya’s Gaia Symphony



Through his understanding of Hado, Dr. Emoto has become convinced that microorganisms play an important role in our lives. He believes that people become ill due to negative thinking that triggers an imbalance of elements within our body.


Distilled water labeled with the Japanese

Soul (R) and word Demon (L)




And Finally to end in a good note:

Distilled water labeled with th Japanese word THANK YOU



 The truth and moral of this post is to first recognize that science has validation of the truth about water, and that is that water can be influenced by not only the written word but also by what we say or think.


Know that this truth has come to you go here to read more:


I was totally amazed by the visual of the clustered water pictures. So now more than ever I watch what I say not only to myself but to others.


I can now see when Jesuss cursed the Fig tree the following day all the figs had dried up and fell to the ground.


Prov 18:21 Death and life are in the Power of the tongue.


To your health and success

Robert C



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