
Re: Nurture your mind with great thoughts...
11/23/2006 9:18:11 AM

You raise a really good point, I never thought of it that way. I'm already aware of quantum physics, there are many exciting applications that are going to emerge from quantum mechanics in the future and I can't wait! You should watch the documentary 'the elegant universe' if you get the chance.

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Neil Reinhardt

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Re: Nurture your mind with great thoughts...
11/23/2006 4:22:23 PM
Hi Katie, I am glad to see you posting here and hope Adland (someday) fixes it so you (and others who want to) can join my forums and post there as well. (As others have not been able to either.) For around TWO HOURS on Wed. they did put the JOIN FORUM links on my two forums and then Whoosh, they were gone. (Very frustrating to say the least.) As far as there being more religious people in the world, there will most probably always be UNTIL more people get higher educations AND IF religious parents (and others) STOP the programming of their children. ALL religions I know of are like the Catholic Church which says: "Give me a Child until the Age of Six and They Are Mine Forever." (And somewhere in the Bible is a similar statement. Just forget where right now..) Now we know this is not 100% true or there would not be millions of us who were programmed from a little to A LOT who have rejected religion as nothing more than a very childish superstition. What amazes me is even though religious people start the indoctrination of their children at a very young age (some as fetus) and continue it as long as the child lives in the home, they refuse to to accept the fact they have programmed their children. (Or that they are programmed.) Something I have observed over my life is religious people are just as rational and logical as non-religious people on any subject OTHER than their OWN religion. When it comes to their OWN religion, nearly all religious people totally lose all ability to be logical and rational. I submit Christians & Jews agree Moslem children are programmed or how could they go blow themselves and others up? Yet most Christians and Jews will refuse to admit they are programmed or that they program their children. Of course, those of us who have successfully DE-programmed ourselves know better. We have, "Been There, Done That." May I suggest an excellent book to you? It is written by one of the most intelligent people in the world, (as proven by his IQ being in the top .0098%) Dan Barker. Dan WAS a Christian youth leader for many years, a sone composer who wrote over 100 Christian songs. (Songs which sell so well and earn the publishing house so much money, they will not let Dan remove them from circulation.) And Dan was also a Christian Minister for many years who "Saved many souls" during all those years as a minister. (Dan has most likely forgotten more about the Christian religion than most Christians will ever even come close to learning. Of course that's true for many other Atheists as well.) Anywho, one of Dan's great books on religion is called: "Losing Faith in Faith, From Preacher to Atheist" (At least I think that is the entire name.) You can get it from FFRF, (the Freedom From Religion Foundation) at: Dan is one of the four brightest people I have ever met and all four are Atheists. Sorry to ramble on for so long only I am very passionate on this subject due to all the damage I see and/or read about religious differences doing every day. Like how many people were blown up in Iraq today? How many people in Lebanon were killed today? Over what? Differences in religious beliefs! (While those at the top may be in seach of power, those who are actually doing it would not be were it not for religion.) Please, Take Care! Neil "A Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach!"
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Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: Nurture your mind with great thoughts...
11/27/2006 2:05:07 PM

Hello Katie,

I have checked "The elegant universe" website and read it with greatest interests. In meantime I found this article about quantum physics principle in order to create fastest world's computer.
We can be in two places at the same time as the article shows.


Bogdan Fiedur

Future PCs could run 18 billion, billion times faster

How would you like your computer to run 18 billion, billion times faster?

A a University of Utah physicist says he has taken the first step towards creating a quantum computer that can make this feat possible.

The mind boggling increase relies on a quantum bit (qubit) being both a binary one and a binary zero at the same time but in different places. In quantum (sub-atomic) physics, the smallest particles of light and matter can be in different places at the same time.

With today's computers an electric bit (binary digit) can be either one (off) or zero (on). This means that with three bits today's computers can store only one of the eight possible combinations of 1 and 0. The eight combinations are: 1-1-1, 0-1-1, 1-0-1, 1-1-0, 0-0-0, 1-0-0, 0-1-0 and 0-0-1.

However, a quantum computer could store all eight combinations in three bits. Theoretically, a 3-qubit quantum computer could calculate eight times faster than a 3-bit PC. Following the math, a 64-qubit quantum computer could therefore perform calculations 2 to the power of 64 times faster than a 64-bit PC -- or 18 billion, billion times quicker!

The physicist spearheading the quantum computer initiative is Christoph Boehme, assistant professor of physics at the University of Utah. He read data stored in the form of the magnetic "spins" of a group of thousands of phosphorus atoms. "We have demonstrated experimentally that the nuclear spin orientation of phosphorus atoms embedded in silicon can be measured by very subtle electric currents passing through the phosphorus atoms," said Boehme. "We have resolved a major obstacle for building a particular kind of quantum computer, the phosphorus-and-silicon quantum computer. For this concept, data readout is the biggest issue, and we have shown a new way to read data."

Boehme's work is based on an approach to quantum computing proposed in 1998 by Australian physicist Bruce Kane in a Nature paper titled "A silicon-based nuclear spin quantum computer." In such a computer, silicon - the semiconductor used in digital computer chips - would be "doped" with atoms of phosphorus, and data would be encoded in the "spins" of those atoms' nuclei. Externally applied electric fields would be used to read and process the data stored as "spins."

Boehme claims it is technically feasible to read the spin of single phosphorus atoms.

He reckons quantum computers are many years away though: "If you want to compare the development of quantum computers with classical computers, we probably would be just before the discovery of the abacus," he said. "We are very early in development."

Equally fantastic is Hitachi research showing that a human can control an on-off switch by merely thinking about it. Non-invasive optical topography was used to detect changes in the volume of blood in areas of the brain's pre-frontal cortex as subjects carried out mental arithmetic or imagined singing a song. Detected changes were used to turn a model railway on or off.

Optical topography uses infrared light, which can penetrate to the upper levels of the brain and be reflected back, to measure changes in blood volume and hemoglobin concentrations in the brain. It takes just a tenth of a second to carry out a reading.

Hitachi hopes the technique can lead to a capable brain-machine interface for physically impaired patients. It hopes practical results can result in products by 2011 -- decades before a quantum computer might be built.


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Re: Nurture your mind with great thoughts...
11/27/2006 7:04:45 PM
Hi Bogdan,

That is just incredible stuff!!!! Pity it's going to take so long...

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Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: Nurture your mind with great thoughts...
11/27/2006 9:42:01 PM

Hi Katie,

Maybe you can join forces and speed it up. :)


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